Category Archives: norway

Norway Holiday 2008 – Epic

I’m just back from my, what is turning out to be, annual trip to my Mum’s summer house on the Helgeland islands off the coast of Norway. It’s a long journey involving 2 planes, an overnight ferry and a short car ferry. Well worth it though. Myself and my brother were there on our own for a few days before the rest of the family arrived (9 adults and 3 kids at the end of the trip). I did plenty of fishing, running, cycling, swimming, walking, reading, baby sitting and eating. The summer house is not yet finished it’s renovation so we spent some time helping out getting things order – specifically the sewage system in the cellar which invloved digging up the concrete in the cellar and laying new pipes (a fun job 🙁 ). I took loads of photos which are all online @ – below I’ve chosen a few of the best ones.
norwayjuly2008 An arty photo attempt with my shades and one of the flies that pestered us for most of the mountain trip.
norwayjuly2008 Base camp on the mountain with a lovely river to the left and lakes scattered throughout the peaks of the island’s mountain.

Cooking some of our catch
norwayjuly2008 Very very tasty – especially after a days fishing and hiking.
norwayjuly2008 Mid air pose. The water was freeeeeezing!!!
norwayjuly2008 Some of the farm’s horses roamed along by the shore. Very friendly beasts.
norwayjuly2008 My brother fishing on the shore
norwayjuly2008 My white self up the mountains
norwayjuly2008 In total we caught 94 trout in just over two days up the mountain.
norwayjuly2008 Count them…. 94!!!!
norwayjuly2008 One of the most amazing sunset’s I’ve ever seen.
norwayjuly2008 Me and the sunset and Peter in the background supping down a well deserved brewski.
norwayjuly2008 Ringnes… My Norwegian beer of choice. Only because it’s the cheapest mind you.