Awesome Synergy

Awesome synergy
Damn those open source developers. Synergy is excellent. I recently bought a USB switch so I could switch my trackball and keyboard between machines. It works well but then I tried Synergy. I have heard some talk of it but thought it was still alphatastic but I ran the installer on my home machine, my work laptop and my brothers laptop, configured it . Now all I have to do is flick the cursor from screen to screen and start typing. This is the best application I have seen for months.

As suspected, it is a bit buggy in that sometimes my mouse stops being able to click on anything. But restarting Synergy on the server machine fixes it.

Second update:
Myself and Matt at work (whose new site is almost out of beta) were having a play with synergy and he found quicksynergy ( which means it’s super easy to install synergy on OSX. It also seems to work with Linux. SynergyKM ( is another synergy gui for OSX