I don’t like the term “mashup” but I wrote a quick “mashup” to show the route I took up Snowdon on sunday (I didn’t go all the way). Try it out. The javascript needs some cleaning but it works for now. Note: I haven’t tested in in IE.
To tie this in with a handheld GPS (which I plan to get for christmas) would be really cool. You could download the Longitudes and Latitudes that you have walked and add them to the Javascript config and presto you can see an aerial view of your trip.
Update: It does seem to work in IE6 but as Andy pointed out below – I haven’t tested in Safari but I havn’t done any Javascript naughtiness so it should be fine.
Another update: It doesn’t work in Safari – Not because of anything I have done – Local.live.com doesn’t work in Safari – phew
Yet another update: I’ve updated the Javascript, it’s much neater and half the size. It works in IE (the menu is out of position though), Firefox and Opera.