Category Archives: General

What’s my bloody session ID

While having a wander over at I stumbled across the Cookie Manager Interface (Interface to the Gecko engine that is).

We have a simple HTML page in work that we use to emulate Payment Service Providers[PSP] (like Paypal or SecureTrading). It’s a right pain to test as we have to edit the page each time we test a different site. We also have to find our session ID from that sites cookie if we want to test it.

I wrote a few functions to allow me to populate a select drop down with the cookie domains (and session IDs) for a filtered list of all my cookies. On Page load the drop down is genereated and onChange of that dropdown the forms are updated with the chosen sites SessionID and the forms actions is also changed. Pretty neat and saves me about 10 clicks everytime I need to test my payment emails or that the PSP integration is working.

[code lang=”javascript”]
function _loadCookies()

//need to ask for permission to look at the users cookies
try {“UniversalXPConnect”);
} catch (e) {
alert(“Permission to save file was denied.”);
var nsICookie = Components.interfaces.nsICookie;
var _cm = Components.classes[“;1”]

var _ds = Components.classes[“;1″]
var _hosts = {};
var e = _cm.enumerator;
var hostCount = { value: 0 };

while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
var cookie = e.getNext();
if (cookie && cookie instanceof Components.interfaces.nsICookie)

var strippedHost = _makeStrippedHost(;
if (!(strippedHost in _hosts) || !_hosts[strippedHost])
_hosts[strippedHost] = { cookies : [],
rawHost : strippedHost,
level : 0,
open : false,
container : true };

var c = _makeCookieObject(strippedHost, cookie);

var _select = document.createElement(‘SELECT’)
for (var host in _hosts) {
var cookies = _hosts[host].cookies;
var hostName =_hosts[host].rawHost;
var rExp = /kf/gi;
var rExpResults = hostName.match(rExp);
if(rExpResults && rExpResults.length > 0)
for (var _cookie in cookies)
var _option = document.createElement(‘OPTION’)
_option.innerHTML = _hosts[host].rawHost;
_option.value = cookies[_cookie].value;

_select.onchange = changeActionAndSessID;

var URLForm = document.getElementById(‘siteurl’);
var URLInput = document.getElementById(‘url_site’); = “none”;
insertAfter(URLForm, _select, URLInput);

function _makeStrippedHost(aHost)
var formattedHost = aHost.charAt(0) == “.” ? aHost.substring(1, aHost.length) : aHost;
return formattedHost.substring(0, 4) == “www.” ? formattedHost
.substring(4, formattedHost.length) : formattedHost;

function _makeCookieObject(aStrippedHost, aCookie)
var host =;
var formattedHost = host.charAt(0) == “.” ? host.substring(1, host.length) : host;
var c = { name :,
value : aCookie.value,
isDomain : aCookie.isDomain,
host :,
rawHost : aStrippedHost,
path : aCookie.path,
isSecure : aCookie.isSecure,
expires : aCookie.expires,
level : 1,
container : false };
return c;

I hope this code helps someone wanting to view cookies from a certain domain or from a filtered list.

MySQLdb 1.2.0 with Mysql 5.0.18 and Python 2.4

I was trying to get Python 2.4 working with MySQL 5.0 and thought it would be pretty simple….Oh No. I thought I’d run a quick test last night while I checked my mail before bed….2 1/2 hours later still no joy. I downloaded the MySQLdb win32 exe from MySQLdb’s SourceForge page and ran it. I then tried to import MySQLdb which resulted in an import error stating that _mysql and MySQLdb were different versions. The funny thing was that when I imported _mysql which is also in the package it worked fine

[code lang=”python”]
import _mysql
db.query(“””SELECT VERSION()”””)

I then downloaded the most recent source release and tried to build it (with some help) but to no avail… I kept getting link errors. I then had a look at the MySQLdb file whilch gets called on all MySQLdb imports. I commented out the following
[code lang=”python”]
v = getattr(_mysql, ‘version_info’, None)
if version_info != v:
raise ImportError, “this is MySQLdb version %s, but _mysql is version %s” %\
(version_info, v)
del v

to read

[code lang=”python”]
#v = getattr(_mysql, ‘version_info’, None)
#if version_info != v:
# raise ImportError, “this is MySQLdb version %s, but _mysql is version %s” %\
# (version_info, v)
#del v

This stops the version check and importing MySQLdb works fine. I’m sure it’s not the right thing to do but it works and I haven’t had any problems yet.. Hope it helps somebody out there 🙂

[code lang=”python”]
import MySQLdb
conn = MySQLdb.connect (host=”localhost”,user=”root”,passwd=”****”,db=”test”)
cursor = conn.cursor ()
cursor.execute (“SELECT VERSION()”)
row = cursor.fetchone ()
print “server version:”, row[0]
cursor.close ()
conn.close ()

Multiline you regex bastard

“I said multiline you F*^k” I shouted repeatedly as my c# kept failing to match my regex. I did have
[code lang=”cpp”]

in multiline mode but I also needed ^$

[code lang=”cpp”]

At last

Update… no it wasnt.

What I needed was singleLine option instead of multiline. Where is the logic???

[code lang=”cpp”]

with the /s or System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Singleline incase you have the same problem as me 🙂

New Year mayhem

I’m now in my Dad’s place in Clare, chilling untill I go up to Carrick-on-Shannon to meed all the lads for a New Year celebration extravaganza. I’ve stocked up on my Miller and am ready to get pissed as a fart.

I’m looking forward to next year and I have a few New Year resolutions that I’ll be posting.

As usual Ryanair surpassed themselves yesterday efficiency-wise but it has to be worst turbulence and landing ever, Gill nearly got into the brace position it was so bad(no saucy comments please) .

ps. Dialup sucks.. I’ve been on it for 20 minutes and already I am bored waiting.

Toshiba L5 madness

I previously noted that my Dad had a Toshiba Libretto L5. When he was in Japan though, he upgraded to a super tiny Sony Vaio. What did he do with the L5…. Gave it to me he did.

Libretto L5 from top

I am in awe of this beast.. so bloody light and quick too. I just ordered another 256Mb Ram (will be 512Mb in total when that arrives)

Libretto L5 from side

It’s got a 800MHz Crusoe processor and built in wireless, USB 2.0 SD Card reader and a very good widescreen display.

I’ve got 3 laptops now but this baby is a definite keeper.

Embedding SVG

I wanted to use SVG for a report on one of our new projects so when creating the XHTML wireframe/templates, I included some sample SVG graphs, I used the embed tag which worked well but was invalid XHTML strict. I had a look around but everywhere used the embed tag.

[code lang=”xml”][/code]

I thought about and decided to use the object tag,

[code lang=”xml”]

Pie Chart


Works perfectly and is perfectly valid :).. Firefox 1.5 SVG support works well but lacks some of the zoom (and other) features of Adobe SVG plugin. I can only presume that it will get better with time, everything else they do does.