@media = hangover

@media was super, I met tons of really interesting people, famous (within the world I live in anyway) and some not so famous but just as interesting. I managed to hand out a few of the 500 business cards malarkey gave me (I think about 10). On the night before, I met up with Malarkey and he introduced me to all the speakers which was amazing. On the night of the first day of the conference there was a party. This resulted in alot of beer, no dinner (not a good idea when combined with the beer just mentioned), drunkenness, a great night out and one hell of a hangover the morning after. It ended up as just me and Chris Ward so biggup Chris.

After the conference was another party called the wind down. I planned to go to this. After the final lecture, I went back to the hostel to get some dinner and a couple of hours kip, I never really woke up. I wish I had gone though as some of the images on flickr show it being one hell of a night. πŸ™

The conference was very thought provoking and I hope to have a few good blog posts from it. If I spoke to you at all during the conference, please email me (or comment here) as I’m shit with names. πŸ™‚

Update – I’ve added some photos on Philckr and on my local server gallery/folder/@media (I seem to think that a flash is not needed after a few drinks)

Update #2 – Faruk Ateş has a comprehensive list of post @media posts.