As it’s new year and my motivation is at an all time low, I think a list of TODOs (or new years resultions) is needed. Some of those listed are techy and some are not but all of them are aimed at improving my life.
I will
- Finish the new design of this site – as you can see, it’s still a work in progress
- Comment my code
- Finish projects I have started
- Document my code properly
- Use UML – even if it’s just in my head
- Move to Ubuntu on my home machine
- Caption all my photos – all 8500 of them
- Read all the books I bought
- Read non-techy books too
- Cook more
- Eat less
- Eat healthier
- Find some way of feeling healthier that I can actually stick to (Gym is a bit too much commitment)
- Start to budget my outgoings properly
- Stop calling my dog “the rodent”
- Learn that Friday does not have to equal “getpissedday”
- Stop watching soap operas – comedy series like King of Queens and Scrubs will remain on my Sky+ planner though
- Contribute to an open source project
- Help fellow developers more
- Always keep in mind that I know only a fraction of what I think I know
- Be in a good mood
- Write another useful Firefox extension that uses a custom XPCOM component
- Use Patterns in code more
- Stop driving like an idiot just so I can get home quicker
- Go to Ireland to see my friends and family more
- Go to the summer house in Norway
- Save money
- And finally – keep this blog up to date
There’s quite a few there so I think it’s more of a two year plan. I have been working on an eight year plan with Gill too, but it’s still a bit up in the air but very exciting – as along as all goes well –
I will also (I thought of some more)
- Move to IMAP instead of POP email
- Backup more
- Learn how to use SVN properly
- Go to LinuxWorld in London (as long as it’s not on Gill’s birthday like last year)
- Get a whiteboard at home
- ……..I’ll add some more as I think of them