I was away for close to four years, three of which were in the UK and one in Australia. I now find myself back in my mums house. It’s only temporary until myself and two buddies move into a friends house for at least a year (the house owner [Dan :)] is on a whopping two year honeymoon).
Last weekend was one of the most hectic and emotional of my entire life. On thursday I left the office in Karova to work remotely here in Dublin. I also handed bobby (my dog) over to his new owners. I collected my brother in Liverpool airport as he came over to help me pack.
On friday we collected the hire van and began packing until about 8pm. We then decided to go for a chinese and a couple of pints. We arrived home at 3.30 am.
Saturday we were mightily hungover – jaegerbombs will do that to you. We packed until about 5pm and had a dirty kebab. We got the 10pm night ferry from Liverpool to Dublin.
On sunday morning we arrived in Dublin at 7am and began unloading the van which took a couple of hours. I crashed/unpacked for the rest of the day until 7.30 when I went back to dublin port to get the 10pm night ferry back to Liverpool to retutn the van and pick up my car.
On monday morning I arrived at 5am and after retutning the van I began packing the rest of my half of the house into volvo. At 1.30 pm I said my final goodbyes to my house (which is still for sale) and to Gillian and drove to Holyhead for the 5pm Swift to Dublin. The swift is not so swift and is always late (in all it’s pretty shit) so I arrived in Dublin at 9pm. I am now an official Irish resident once again. It’s not a woohoo moment and it’s definitely not a boohoo moment. I’m looking forward to taking some RnR time with my mates.