Author Archives: philroche


I usually cringe alot when watching reality shows but this years big brother is out of this world. Gill has started watching it and I can’t stand it, so many outrageously camp gays, pornstar look alikes and the usual quota of freaks. Please stop the madness. finally goes live

Mette Roche (my mum) has been after me for ages to build her a website. I finally got around to it and the finished site isn’t too bad. The design is not finished yet but all the functionality is there. She’s an artist and the aim of the site is to promote her paintings and exhibitions. I built it on WordPress and used the wonderful Flickr Photo Album for WordPress plugin. She manages her paintings on Flickr and the hacked version of the plugin displays all her paintings in their different categories on her site.

Grange Art Studio

Spam is getting better

I get a huge amount of comment spam, most of which is thankfully caught by Askimet but one did get through but I can fully understand why, it’s very good and very subtle

I’m very, very impressed that this sort of work is being done; Web Design is getting stagnant with people using just styled
block-level elements to produce artwork. The incorporation of SVG into sites excites me a lot.
How long do you expect it will take for this sort of technology to be widespread?
Obviously you can only speak about WebKit realistically, but if it’s going to take ten years for IE Win to gain (full) support,
we can’t design with it.
I’m amused by the “Becoming more important” line in the first paragraph. This has been a HUGE problem for years –
ever since HTML-2.0 was introduced to be more of a layout language and less of a markup language. For an example,
you just have to look at this site. sex partners Why is all the text
crammed over on the left side of the page with a big blank space on the right side?
Why is the default font tiny and unreadable? Fortunately most browsers now let you override the latter problem.

It was a comment to a post that was completely unrelated. Watch out folks, the spammers are getting better, and by the looks of it we might be seeing some SVG porn soon :). I’ve left he link in as I thought it was the least I could do as he did impress me.

Archive date grep V1.0

Archive date grep is a python script that allows you to archive (choosing zip or tar) all files within a directory structure which have been modifies since a user defined date. The archive maintains the original directory structure which makes it ideal for releasing websites. You can downlaod the script as a zip archive[zip 2 KB] or as a tar archive [tar 8 KB]. This script is alot better than the original SimpleZipDateGrep that I had on the site. Enjoy 🙂

Textarea size increase in PHPMyAdmin

I needed to increase the size of the textareas in phpMyAdmin. Drag this bookmarklet to your bookmarks, click on it when you’re using phpMyAdmin and you’re done.

[code lang=”javascript”]
var textareas = window.frames[‘frame_content’].document.getElementsByTagName(‘textarea’);
for (n=0;n

Stuff I want to post about

Stuff I want to post about but don’t have the time :

  • Having a dedicated Ubuntu machine
  • mod_python and mod_php having a barny ‘cos I want to use mysql with both
  • Hacking the web developer extension
  • Getting SVNserve working
  • Getting Trac working
  • Working from home
  • Semi-converting my loft
  • Working late
  • Booking time off
  • I hate Sage (the accounting software)
  • Bobby growing out of his collar already
  • VTBook pcmcia graphics card
  • Synergy across 4 machines(1 Linux, 2 Windows and 1 OSX)
  • Multi-monitor setups
  • My Love for Python and my hatred for it’s lack of documentation
  • The fact that I haven’t linked to anything mentioned on this list
  • …and loads more too