Welcome to Google Reader
Are they going to develop everything?????
Update… built in mp3 enclosure player…sweeet
Welcome to Google Reader
Are they going to develop everything?????
Update… built in mp3 enclosure player…sweeet
Your Mom is so stupid, she uploads executables in ASCII mode.
Presentation on Content Syndication. My Boss roped me into doing a presentation to the ITWales group I attend on the first tuesday of each month. I foolishly agreed. Today was the day I had been dreading. So in front of about 40 people (probably exagerated), I gave my presentation on content syndication. Mp3s and pdfs downloads below…. and yes I have a nervous disorder which involves clicking my pen incessantly… sorry about that folks. My first public mp3 of voice recording so please refrain from mocking me……… although it can’t be as bad as the time my mates found a cassette of me singing over Bob Dylan (or Nirvana I can’t remember)… very embarrassing.
Viewing a list of all file in a directory on windows without all the timestamps etc was a pain in the arse untill I looked into it.
dir /b /a-D > filelist.txt
Job Done
O’Reilly: What Is Web 2.0
Exactly, What Is Web 2.0?
GreatNews: The Intelligent RSS Reader
Seems like a good one, I’m gonna give it a try.. It can be integrated into Firefox Live Bookmarks too
On the same theme as the Natwest Login script, I figured I’d write a bookmarklet to check my lotto results.
[code lang=”javascript”]
var _Lotto = new Array(‘number1′,’number2′,’number3′,’number4′,’number5′,’number6’);
document.forms[‘WinCheckQueryForm’].drawTypeID.value = ‘1’;
document.forms[‘WinCheckQueryForm’].numberChosen1.value = _Lotto[0];
document.forms[‘WinCheckQueryForm’].numberChosen2.value = _Lotto[1];
document.forms[‘WinCheckQueryForm’].numberChosen3.value = _Lotto[2];
document.forms[‘WinCheckQueryForm’].numberChosen4.value = _Lotto[3];
document.forms[‘WinCheckQueryForm’].numberChosen5.value = _Lotto[4];
document.forms[‘WinCheckQueryForm’].numberChosen6.value = _Lotto[5];
document.forms[‘WinCheckQueryForm’].dateCriteria.value = ‘6M’;
document.forms[‘WinCheckQueryForm’].drawSubTypeID.value = ‘0’;
It doesn’t use document.getElementById as I like to but the page doesn’t have any ids
Gill and myself went to Clare to visit my Dad for the weekend. My Mum (aka Mette) and my brother Peter cam down too. I had a super time, just like when I was a kid and I used to go down there. Fishing, Walking, Swimming, Boating… all sorts, super stuff. There is a new divng school that has started using the quay beside my Dads so Myself and Peter went diving with the afore mentioned Burren Adventures Diving School. I have my Padi Open Water License so I was good to go but Peter hadn’t done any diving but took to it within seconds, despite throwing away his regulator quite recklessly whle doing one of the skills. Below are some of the photos from the weekend. Ryanair by the way still rule!!!!!. £25 return
While checking my online bank account (as usual there was a plethora of red “DR” strewn about) when I realised that the login process is far too long and I have to remember far too much (I know it’s for security) so I wrote a couple of javascript bookmarks that let me log in with a click of a bookmark instead of spending hours trying to remember my customer number, pin number and password. Just copy the javscript below onto one line and save it as a bookmark and presto….easy login. [NB. Only tested on Firefox — and you have to replace the dummy customer number, pin number and password with your own for it to work]
Customer Number page
[code lang=”javascript”]
Pin Number and Password page
[code lang=”javascript”]
javascript: var _frame = frames[‘Main’].document;
var _form = _frame.getElementById(‘form’);
var _Pin = new Array(4);
_Pin[‘first’] = “Pin1”;
_Pin[‘second’] = “Pin2”;
_Pin[‘third’] = “Pin3”;
_Pin[‘fourth’] = “Pin4”;
var _Password = new Array(8);
_Password[‘first’] = “Pass1”;
_Password[‘second’] = “Pass2”;
_Password[‘third’] = “Pass3”;
_Password[‘fourth’] = “Pass4”;
_Password[‘fifth’] = “Pass5”;
_Password[‘sixth’] = “Pass6”;
_Password[‘seventh’] = “Pass7”;
_Password[‘eight’] = “Pass8”;
var pinLabelA = _frame.getElementById(‘LI6DDALALabel’).innerHTML;
var pinLabelB = _frame.getElementById(‘LI6DDALBLabel’).innerHTML;
var pinLabelC = _frame.getElementById(‘LI6DDALCLabel’).innerHTML;
var _message = “Pin \n”;
for(var _char in _Pin)
if(pinLabelA.indexOf(_char)!= -1)
_message+= “first is “+_Pin[_char] + “\n”;
if(pinLabelB.indexOf(_char)!= -1)
_message+= “second is “+_Pin[_char] + “\n”;
if(pinLabelC.indexOf(_char)!= -1)
_message+= “third is “+_Pin[_char] + “\n”;
var passLabelA = _frame.getElementById(‘LI6DDALDLabel’).innerHTML;
var passLabelB = _frame.getElementById(‘LI6DDALELabel’).innerHTML;
var passLabelC = _frame.getElementById(‘LI6DDALFLabel’).innerHTML;
_message+= “\nPassword\n”;
for(var _char in _Password)
if(passLabelA.indexOf(_char)!= -1)
_message+= “first is “+_Password[_char] + “\n”;
if(passLabelB.indexOf(_char)!= -1)
_message+= “second is “+_Password[_char] + “\n”;
if(passLabelC.indexOf(_char)!= -1)
_message+= “third is “+_Password[_char] + “\n”;
Last week my self and Gill jetted off (in Astra extrrodinaire) to bonny scotland for a long weekend of camping.
We drove up on wednesday night and stayed in a travel lodge. On the thursday we drove up to Glencoe , an absolutely beautiful loch (salt water). We stayed there for a few days, walking, fishing and general touristy things.
After the first day the weather turned pretty crappy but we had all the gear so it didn’t stop us really. We found a lovely pub set deep into the mountains, “The Clachaig Inn” where we ate most nights…. scottish ales rule … hick*#!
If you’re off to Scotland.. Glencoe is a must