Back again to Wonderful DCU, Lecture have started already, I'm not too sure what muodules i am going to pick yet but Cryptography and Multimedia information retreival sound good. Not much else going except trying to adap to collega life again after 6 months off.

Rhodes Town

phil Hello there campers,
Here I am in Rhodes Town (On the Island of Rhodes). I'm having a great time here with Gill, eating and drinking plenty. It'll be back to reality next sunday so untilll then I'lll keep topping up my wonderful pink tan Sya.

Toshiba Libretto L5

phil This is on my dads new libretto L5 laptop which is one hell of a piece of machinery, it has everything you could possibly want (apart from blluetooth). Wi-Fi, 10/100 MB Network card, 56Kbs Modem, USB , Win XP Pro and a PCMCIA slot ; and all this in a machine the size of two VHS videos placed side by side. All for the equvalent of 1800 euro , I'm well jealous. To the left you can see an image of it. Wicki Wicked.

Passport Pandemonium.

My passport went missing in the post last week on the way to the Australian embassy which is a bummer (I didn't send it registered as I didn't get the time to get to the post office). I went about trying to get a new one in time for my holiday next weekend but that wasn't easy, I got all the forms signed in the Garda station including the loss of passport form. I then rang the passport office and told them of my prediciment but they couldn't help as i didn't have travel documents stating that i was leaving within the next two weeks (the normal processing time for a passport being two weeks). We are booking our Holiday last minute so I won't have any travel documents till the last few days So my solution was to book a flight to Brussels with Ryanair for next tuesday which cost me €38, this meant that i had proof that i was leaving within the next two weeks so I could get my passport before I go. Afetr Queuing for 2 1/2 hours this solution worked and I will have my passport on Monday. Problem with this though, when you lose your passport and get a new one; the replacment only lasts for 1 year and then you have to go in and get the further 9 years of the standard 10 year passport put onto your replacement passport. This means that i cannot apply for my Australian Visa as one of the requirements for applying for the Visa is that your passport be valid for the length of time that you will be in Australian plus 6 months which mine will not be.. My Solution to this is to go into the passport office when I get back from my holidays and grovel plead like I have never grovelled and pleaded before to try and get the last 9 years put onto my new passport, what a fuking cock up……Thank you AN POST you are great .
Results of Philip's Passport Cock up:
1 year passport
Flight to Brussels on Tuesday (which i am willing to Sell or give away)
€57 for new passport.
€38 for filght to Brussels
Old passport (with all my America Visas)
€10 for parking while waiting in the passport office.
Possiblity of applying for my Australia Visa now like I had planned.

England was fun

I'm back on the green isle after a weekend away, glad to be back …I don't know yet, I haven't been out with the lads in nearly a month now, and it looks like it'll be another month till I get to go out with them too, with Clare this weekend and then off on my Holidays for two weeks after that. I only have 2 weeks left in work. Gill's new car rules, A 1.6 injection with a whole lot of voom vooom. Sweet. I'll have a picture up soon.

Intel Fab Tour

philI went on a Fab tour and the picture to the right is the suit I had to wear on my tour. One of the engineers that we work with showed me around the fab, telling me about how all the process works. Very interesting.

I found http://www.linux.ie/ which I ; from what i have seen ; think is a great site and I was supprised by it's quality. Maybe I'll start using my Linux now, I find myself using it only 1 in 6 time I log on to my PC which isn't ideal as the plan was to use Linux at least as much as Windows. Ah well.

I thank you….

philHello folks how are things?. To the right you can see Kermit getting it on ooooohhh yeeahhh!!!.

http://zybergear.safeshopper.com/ A counterfeit Oakley Glasses shop, they look real good, I might get a pair, I'd rather that than paying the whopping $300 a pair for the real one.

http://www.marx-computers.com Another Irish computer Online store like http://www.itdirect.ie .

My favourite Quote from Austin Powers GoldMember :
"If you have an issue —- here's a tissue."

I went to TGI Fridays on Saturday last and yet again i had the Jack Daniels Glazed Ribs….Finger licking good. A must for all you american food lovers.