Ibook ia a well oiled machine

My Ibook is the sweetest thing I have ever used. I have all the needed software installed now.

Browsers: Firebird (Default), Safari, Camino, IE (arghhh!!!!)
Email: Thunderbird (Default), Mail, Entourage.
Chat: iChat (AIM), MSN, ICQ, Chatzilla
Graphics: Photoshop, iPhoto, iResize
Dev: Zend Studio, BBEdit, XCode
Multimedia : iTunes, Audion, VLC, DVDPlayer, OggDrop
Others: Transmit (FTP), CandyBar (Icons), Adobe Reader
Office: MS Office V.X

And many more.

I am really really impressed with the iBook and Panther… i would recommend it to anyone.

Blue Mountains trip

philGill an myself went to the Blue Mountains for a long weekend last weekend. it was really really good and was great to get away from the city, We saw all the waterfalls, cliffs and went to see the Jenolan caves too. We also went horseriding for 3 hours (my muscles are still aching from it). I have a load of photos and i'll put the   when I get some time. The bed and breakfast (http://www.sheltonlea.com/) we stayed in was absolutely wonderful with our own ensuite and living area with gourmet breakfast served in our suite every morning.
We did have one problem though… the car rental. We rented a car from Apollo for 4 days and all was well, a nice car and a reasonable price. We got there on friday afternoon and drove about, all was fine. On saturday morning I noticed a leak coming from the engine, this turned out to be coolant leaking from the radiator. I rang apollo and was told to bring it to a garage to confirm the leak, which we did and it was confirmed. Apollo then went on to tell me to get it fixed and I would be refunded for the time without the car… my hoop. I asked for a replacement car to be sent out… no they don't do that. I couldn't get it fixed as it was saturday afternoon and only one garage was open but was closing soon (not to mention that garage wouldn't do it as they don't deal with rental companies as they never pay). Apollo could not offer any solution other than waiting till monday and getting the car repaired or to go back to sydney and get a new car… what a load of bullshit. I had had enough and rented another car from a company in the mountains (RediCar– excellent service). I had the RediCar until monday so on monday morning I rang Apollo to ask what they wanted me to do… again the same bullshit so i rang the RACQ (similar to AA) and got their car towed and got the train home. Apollo have the worst customer service I have ever had the displeasure of having to deal with….. Apalling.phil They will be receiving a letter of complaint from me demading full reimbursement for rental of the apollo car and the differnence i had to make up to rent the RediCar car and the train ticket too….. Never ever ever deal with Apollo folks.


philMy graduation was yesterday but understandably I couldn't go (As I am here in OZ). Well done to everybody.. Ste, Paddy, Donal, Rob, Ronan, Neil and all the others… :). I would have liked to have been there but alas, maybe i'll do a Masters just so i can go to the ceremony. So from now on you can refer to me as MR. Philip Roche BSC.
More Photos added to Gallery… "DreamWorld","The East Coast in a rented campervan" and "Life in Sydney" Albums.

I can’t stand the suspense

First Off .. this is my 312th Blog Entry since January 19th 2002. Quite proud of that.
Second and more importantly .. I have ordered a 12" iBook. WooHooo. You might be wondering why I got a mac:

  • It was cheap $2320(Euro 1412) for a fully spec'd notebook.
  • Mac OSX (Panther) is based on Unix.
  • Many of my favourite apps are available for mac: Firebird, Thunderbird, Zend Studio.
  • OSX comes with X11 allowing apps like OpenOffice to be run.
  • With the Fink Project (http://fink.sourceforge.net) , many Linux apps can be installed, KDevelop, Gimp, Gaim, Ximian Evolution, Apache and many more.
  • I am bored of Windows and Mac is sure to keep me occupied .. during my changeover period anyway.
  • I get Wifi (802.11g) on board and bluetooth too.
  • It's small with a 12" screen and only weighs 2.2 kg.
  • Battery life is superior to any other Notebook I have seen. Up to 6hrs.
  • Finally … iBooks look amazing.

Full Specs:
Processor : 800Mhz G4
Ram: 384MB
Hard Disk: 40GB
Combo Drive: DVD/CD-RW
56Kbps Modem
10/100 Lan
802.11g WLAN (Airport Extreme)
2 * USB 2.0 ports
1 * Firewire port

There is also tons of software thrown in. Now you try anf get all that for Euro 1400…no chance. It should arrive in the next few days and then the fun begins. There is quite a large Wifi community in Sydney (http://www.sydneywireless.com/) so I am hoping that I can get some free internet acees in my area (doubtful but I can dream). I will have pics as soon as it arrives so watch this space.

17 – 16

philAustralia beat Ireland but we are still through to the quarter finals (I win $15 because of that, UPDATE : Turns out I would have won $32 but it seems the bookie placed the bet for ireland to win their group and not just to get to the quarter final 🙁 ). All the lads are there and it sounds like they are having a ball. I am in fear of my well being when they get back as Ken and Enda have a few weeks of re-educating me (supposedly I'm not one of the lads anymore ??). Oh Oh :(.

PDC 2003

There is massive , that's MASSIVE, talk on the net about the PDC (Professional Developers Conference) 2003 currently going on in Los Angeles, I would love to be there, it sounds awesome. There is also huge talk about the the next release of  windows (codename longhorn) which isn't even out for a coule of years… Oh the Hype.. don't the people love hype.

B’Day wishes

phil Supp Y'all, it's Gill's birthday this saturday (she's 24) so happy birthday to her. We're going to go to blue mountains next weekend which i am really looking forward to. I forgot to mention that last week we rented (well Alan and Jean [flat mates] did and we crashed the party) a small boat, to drive/sail around Sydney harbour. The weather was smashing when we set off but by about 3pm it started to get cloudy and the seas started to get a little rough. We made it all the way past the Opera house (some really nice views of the city-harbour bridge-opera house) which took us a good 2 1/2 hours despite the lady in the rental office(shed) telling us we could drive the length of the harbour in about an hour (yeah right !!!!.. not with a 6hp engine). We stopped at an unknown beach to have food and a much need pee (due to beers being had while sailing). We then made the long trek back to the rental depot .. but not before, Alan decided to play chicken with a buoy and not turning (hilarious stuff obviously) and nearly getting run over by the biggest tanker I have ever seen in my life (a police boat had to tell us which way to go as I coudn't figure out which direction the thing was going. We finally made it back at 5pm (4 hours sailing in all) just before the rain started. All in all it was a really fun day and well worth doing….. Sailing Sydney harbour….Thats one more thing off my list of things to do in life (imaginary list therefore no link). There are images but Redbrick still haven't installed ImageMagick so I can't upload any new photos yet grrrr!!!!!. On another note, check out Suse 9.0 Pro, this is the OS I will be exclusively using when I get set up at home.

2,240 results

I caught myself ego-surfing (more precisely ego-searching) today andfound that aggreg8 had 2,240result returned by Google, That ispretty impressive seeing as Aggreg8was originally a UNI project. I have cheekily added a PAYPAL Donate linkto the footer of Aggreg8.net. If I get a few donations it might kick meinto doing some more work on it (when ever I can get some time thatis)