Mini iPod

mini ipodMy Housemate just got a mini iPod and it is really great. Just like the regular ipod, it just appears in itunes and playlists galore are loaded on. There is one drawback however …. it's Pink.

An update on the memory issue. The memory I bought on ebay did not work. It was defective. I have sent it back under warranty and am awaiting a refund. I then went on the crucial website and 512MB for £50with free delivery. Knowing that this would definitely work, I got it and now have a not too shabby 1024MB RAM.

I'm looking at holidays lately for the middle of November so if anybody has been anywhere spectacular and cheap let me know.

It seems Frank (BigFrankSmyth) is in NZ at the moment and has just eaten the killer kilo steak…. (everybody wants to be like me).

Gmail invites. I've got  5 2 invites if anybody is interested,

RocheMobil no longer Irish

The RocheMobile is sadly no longer Irish, It was stripped of it's irish plates last week and replaced with a white and a yellow english one. It was a sad day but I still have the plates to reminisce over. I'v ebeen busy in work and at home but I'm making an effort to blog more now and also to reply to emails as I know I am shit at that.

Anybody know which is better? or, also is any of y'all familiar with web scrapers?

Check out my Moblog

I've added a new feature to the right of the page.. My Moblog (Mobile Blog). I use at the moment and it seems really cool. You email or MMS your picture from your phone to them and it appears on your Moblog. This Moblog has an RSS feed which I have pulled in on my page using my PHP RSS Parser to show the top Moblog Entry.

Amacom ez2

Just bought an external USB2.0/Firewire Hard Drive ( It's really nice, 120GB for only £97 [Ebay of course]. My Mac sees it fine and Windows does (I haven't tried yet but I know it will). My Suse box however does not see it which is a pisser but Suse does have problems with External USB drives. I'm gonna try on KNoppix Live CD and try and do my backups from there. Just in case anybody has come across the problem, this is the error I get in /var/log/messages:

kernel: usb 4-1: new high speed USB device using address 10
kernel: usb 4-1: control timeout on ep0out
kernel: usb 4-1: control timeout on ep0out
kernel: usb 4-1: device not accepting address 10, error -110
kernel: usb 4-1: new high speed USB device using address 11
kernel: usb 4-1: control timeout on ep0out
kernel: usb 4-1: control timeout on ep0out
kernel: usb 4-1: device not accepting address 11, error -110

I'm Gonna try and get a Firewire card and try that way. There will be no stopping my bcakups then 🙂

I bought some more memory for my Suse Box too off ebay so hopefully that works. I'll have a 3GHZ Processor and 1.5GB Ram……..Nice.

I needed to set up PHP and a WebServer on my Desktop in work and remembered I had read an article about the Abyss web server. I gae it a try and I have never come across a web server that can be set up so quickly… kicks Apache's httpd.conf arse. I have PHP5.0 running to so I can finally get around to trying out some of the new PHP5 features,

On a non-tehnical note, Myself, Gill and two of her Uni buddies tore up Liverpool last saturday.. It was wicked, Tooheys new in Walkabout brought back memories of Sydney (So too did being pissed as a fart not knowing where I was 🙂 )

Suse and Fonts

On the hunt for some wicked fonts…… try . I thought it would be a hassle installing fonts in Linux but it was a breeze and they appear in most applications too which is great. All you have to do is download the fonts "True Type" fonts I chose and copy them to the appropriate directory:

 # cp /home/philroche/Fonts/*.ttf /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/

CSS and more

Doing tons of CSS stuff lately and really loving it. I have found some supreb reference sites:

There are probably tons more but these are class.

From a coleague in work, check out , a superb tool for seeing what's slowing down your site………… flash usually.

CSS Optimisation

I was working with CSS menus last week and once again learned lots about the scurge of  cross platform cross browser support (MAC IE in particular). On my travels, I found which is truly excellent, every css I threw at it, it managed to optimise.

Another which i could not live without is the 'web developer' extension for Firefox. This too is truly excellent and has everything you will need for testing and debuging. I also use the User Agent switcher extension for testing too.

While looking at Extensions I cam across MozEdit…. Wwwwwooow, is the only owrd for it. Brilliant. The best part is the function view. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this extension in the future.

Another one worth mentioning is quicknote… excellent

RSS auto Discovery is something I have to get around to implementing.

Install nightmare

Absolute nightmare trying to install Linux today. I was trying to install Linux alongside XP pro in work. I first tried a copied copy of RHEL but that failed, presumably beacuse of a disk error (it just claimed it couldn't find a file so it decided to just kick me out), then I tried installing SuSE 9.1 about 6 times, but it kept failing, with package errors, most notably qt so i can't startkde or startx. Very annoying. The conclusions I have come to is that it could be either a fault with the DVD drive or the hard drive and partitions. The partitions looked absolutely fine though. I've deleted the Linux and Linux Swap partitions now to leave myself with XP… but what do i get…. a bloody great grub prompt. After some reading tonight, I should be able to fix it witht he XP recovery consle on the XP cd. If this does not work I will go spare……. First day and I didn't even get my OS installed 🙁 . []

Busy Busy

I've been tres busy lately, but I have been able to squeeze in some late night Aggreg8 stuff. Now I have super new Firefox 9 install script and overlays. I am having trouble writing to a file in the users profile directory though but I'll solve that soon no doubt. The new version will be soon (fingers crossed). I have seen that Sage have an OPML inport function so I reckon I'll be looking at that code as that function has been requested.