Category Archives: Old Blog

My Bikes and Car :

From the new script that I wrote to show me who visits what , I have seen that
there has been alot of interest in my Bike(R.I.P) so I have made a new page
dedicated to my Vehicles.
there has been alot of interest in my CV , from UK , NL all over the place so I
have updated my CV with my new third year grades.

Keep exercising those HREFs folks you're doing good.

Quote I found lurking about. :

As I walk through the valley of death and mystique, I carry the strength the
skill, the devastation, and I the meanest motherfucker in the valley, you
all want me? Come and get me…The Dragon is here, he is unleashed. Do not doubt
me just try me. You got me? You think you got me? It ain't even begun. It has
not begun. The year of The Dragon may have surpassed, but believe you me, it is
no way near beginning…know why? I The Innovation of Devastation, The Master
of Disaster, The Ruler of The Ring, and The King of Kabl. The Sultan of Sl,
The Rajah of Rapping, The Guru of Grappling, The Tyrant of Tag Tes, and The
Titan of Talking Trash The Dictator of DDTs, The Potentate of Piledrivers, The
Prince of Powerbombs, The Man, The Myth, The Legend, The Perfectly Great The
One true Supreme Dragon Filled Suplex Machine, you got Dragon? You Got The
Dragon? Hell It takes one second to hit my move, The Way Of The Dragon, one
second…you' all just be remembering that, when you playing in my town, in my
domain…IN MY RING! You think you all got skills, hell you all think you know
what it takes. A lifetime of mixed feelings, undiscovered potential, and a
whole lot of Japanese wrestling tapes, makes me The Dragon, The Beast From The
East, The Undisputed Soan Wrecking Ball. The Dragon.

Project getting overwhelming. :

All the talk of this project being an easy one is now over , delving into the
depths of it , it is getting tricky. I can safely say that you won't e seeing
me out and about too much . On a lighter note. What do you call a man pointing
his gun at an animal ……….Eamonn.Sya

Operation Garibaldi. :

I'm working on my project now , my aim is to have it shining with brilliance
within the next month (code ne Operation Garibaldi.).An acheivable goal I
think . It is going quite well so far with javascript being the language of the
day. I also plan on having my new page up and running before Intra starts
.Check out the proposed new scheme , I'm still messing around with colors (and
no I didn't spell colors wrong) and navigation methods . If somethings don't
work please let me know and ste yes i know it is Blue. Also the new
addition to the most hated list (imaginary list b.t.w) is
Netscape Navigator , what a woeful piece of software. It doesn't see any of the
style properties I'm even surprised that it recognises HTML. Never ever will NN
be my default browser , hell I'd use HotJava before NN. Anyway enough

Exam Results :

MS340 Mathematics (Numerical Analysis/Differ. EQs) 51
CA306 Database Deployment 56
CA314 00 Analysis and Design 72
CA304 Computer Networks 2 97

CA300 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 70

CA321 Operating Systems Design & Implementation 80
Well as you can see the hair crossing worked , I passed all my exs wooohoooo.
Now project and get a bleedin job . No links today…

I’m ICQ’n :

I just registered with ICQ, I thought millions others have why not me. If you
see down the bottom right hand corner of my main page you can see my ICQ status
.Whether I online or not you can send me an instant message and I will get
it next time I log on. It is quite neat .I'm going to look at their SMS and see
if I can hack it so that you can send messages from my page. I went on Temple
Bar Pub crawl on Friday which was brilliant. I buying SUSE Linux today from
azon so that will be something to play with when I finish my project. My
links for today are
well worth the visit and also I have PAYPAL which is another way of buying
stuff on the internet
.Tomorrow is results day (5) so I have everything crossed at the moment (yes
everything even strands of hair have been neatly crossed)…As he flushed
himself down the toilet the frog thought to himself ………..

Tis a Friday it is. :

Yes after a hard week of button bashing and job hunting I'm on the proverbial
Lock . You will see the new link on my home page "I can see your hard disk" ,
It's pretty scary ( for me anyway) untill you realise what is happening .I
ripped my first DVD yesterday ( well I only got a bit of it , it quit after the
intro to the film , but it marks the start of a very copyright breaking
future). I also , sad as it is to say , made my first MP3 , i figured it was
about time I made a few myself .I mean if everybody was like me and just
downloaded them then there would be none out there . There is no link for today
as I haven't been surfing today but tomorrow I'll have two ( hows that) . Good
Bye all…..have a good one i know I will.