Category Archives: Old Blog

News is not personal enough claims Gary.

Big up to all y'all news readers. Well a lazy sunday today watching the
Grand-Prix, Will Schuey ever stop winning (not this was written before the end
of the race – just in case he doesn't win). I haven't had a chance to perfect
my PHP-FTP script but soon I'll have it availbale for use. Todays link is
suggested by Enda
, it's the institute of engineers of Ireland. Supposedly cheaper car insurance
for graduate engineers (only a year and a half left for me)……Quote for
today is : "Hercules, Hercules, Hercules"-[nutty professor]. Sya

News has been slack.

I've been busy trying to keep up with all the new stuff I'm learning in work so
that's why my news has been slack. You can see some of the testing pages I've
been working on at
to see the xml-rpc in php and jscript I've worked on. ( I now have the se
xml-rpc working with ASP and VBScript [on intel Intranet though]). You can also
see the ASP,XML,XSL,XSLT,XPATH work I've done at
.[all the above acronyms are explained at
. I know I going to get stick for talking all 'techy' but it's interesting
stuff. All I know is that the bulk of my first pay check will be lining the
pockets of the pub owners of Dublins fair city……..Let's go Rasher……

It’s a different league now.

Meetings, deadlines, courses. It's not like college now I can tell you. It's a
good learning experience though, being thrown in at the deep end. Next week I
will be writing an application in a language I have never used before and using
a technology I have never even heard about. The site I found most useful
regarding new technologies in
who are directly linked to the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) so their
information is uptodate and concise. I have added a new page under the 'Links'
link on the side menu. This was meant to be for new links that I come accross
(instead of having to bookmark them). But for the moment it is a list of
acronyms of all the new stuff I learning, I will get this sorted now
but for the mean time enjoy the acronyms. [check out if you have any acronyms that you need explaining]

PHP FTP (too many acronyms)

The too many acronyms refers to Intel and the encyclopedia of acronyms that they
have, it's baffling the number of them they have and the fact they think
everybody else knows what they are talking about…ah well. The PHP FTP refers
to a File Transfer Protocol script that i wrote in PHP. I wrote it so i could
update my website in work without having to use a normal ftp progr (Intel
doesn't allow you ftp out of their network). It is a very comprehensive script
allowing you to :navigate through your directories and place files in any
directory you wish, create new directories, view the source code of any file,
change the permissions of a file, specify the permissions to be put on a
directory as it is created. I now working on the delete directory and delete
file function and then possibly the change directory function. After I have ll
this done I will tidy up the code and make it useable for anyone and publish
the code on the web. At the moment the script lies in my protected directory so
as nobady can manipulate my files or file structure. Anyway enough techy talk,
have a good weekend campers.


As I haven't mentioned before the group I working in is the Performance
Learning Solutions department, they deal with all the external and internal
e-learning solutions. It's very interesting so far, I was in a room full of
4processor servers today. And ste the network manager was imprressed with
the access_log script we wrote when I told him about it. The link for today is
. A very good tool for nslookup etc.

Google Bombs

I've just set up the following page
which discusses what google bombing is. The page also offers a tool for you to
launch your own Google bomb. This tool is not a means of sabotaging Google,
only a means of getting people to your site when they type in the appropriate
keywords into google. I got word from my tutor today that I got a good mark in
my project (he didn't specify what the mark was though). I got my desk in Intel
today and will start some work tomorrow. All is going well. Sya people………

Nearly 2 weeks, Oh! I do apologise.

Well today saw the first day of employment in Intel. What a complex, The place
is absolutely huge. The projects I will be working on sound real interesting,
it will mainly for the moment be web backend stuff. I'll get back into the
updates now that I hopefully have more time on my hands. If any of you have
been affected by the NTL change from EuroSport to CNBC then this link is for
. Sya folks.

Intel baby Intel.

I just got word from Intel that I have secured myself a job with them for Intra
working with the Research and Develoent Department and the Software
develoent department. This will prove to be one hell of a Paddys weekend ,
bring on the Alcohol bring it on , come on Cletus bring it on. Gawd I love my
Truck. Irish

IRC improved.

On mouseover the IRC link on my home page you can now see who is logged in. The
main chat page only holds 20 of the most recent messages , the rest are stored
on the previous message page. I have kept the messages in a newest at the top
fashion as it is most practical as regards thte page refreshing etc. The Intel
interview went pretty well (he spoke Norwegian and he was erican). I'm not
holding out too much hope but I'll wait and see. The link for today is
a project that the Intel R and D are working on…Sya.