Well let us start with the computer virus link , this is a link to a page that
explains the computer virus.http://www.sophos.com/virusinfo/whitepapers/videmys.html
.My interest comes after a few viruses coming to my eircom account, Prologex1
and Zoo. I haven't found any documentation on these viruses but if you get them
don't open them, I haven't done so but just in case it is dangerous. The second
link is a link to a site that y'all migyht like very much. http://www.mingers.com/
. Here you will find a website dedicated to pretty people. The last link, the
third one for today is a link to pictures of the Myrtle Beach Tornado that so
many of us lived through. http://www.erh.noaa.gov/er/ilm/archive/07-06-01/tor.html
. Have a good weekend y'all..Phil
Category Archives: Old Blog
Here I am again
Well Linux has been treating me well tonight, not like last night, 12:30 and
none the wiser. Todays link is http://www.paddypower.com/
where you can place as many tax free bets as you want and as little as 50c
(suits you Rosie). I'm up for a big weekend so any takers let me know. Yup Yup
’tis wednesday ’tis
Always riseto an early meal,but eat your fill before a feast.If you're hungry
you have no time to talk at the table. ………….(Viking Quote)Wednesday, a
day of weddings perhaps??who knows-; only those who wed!..enough banter now
give me back my cornetto soft you hairy mongrel.
Well I'm still having some teething problems with my Linux but nothing that
can't be sorted. I might have given this link before but it is very interesting
, there you can view how your web page or any page looked like a long time ago.
On the archive page they have a link to http://september11.archive.org/
which is a page with all the news articles about the september 11th tragedy.
For those of you who don't know (I only found out a while back) that septhember
11 in erican date format reads 911, that being their emergency services phone
number. I see nobody has signed up for their own weblog ( well they haven't
told me if they have ). Get your ass in gear folks, I want something to read
too….till tomorrow I am an Ostrich
Bulldog is no more.
The british bulldog has passed away while in canada, let us all mourn. What is
the story with WWF becoming WWE??. WWE sounds shit. I have a non techy lionk
for y'all today : http://www.dilbert.com/
. sya ….
Linux and new hard disk.
I am now packing a whopping 70gb of storage space on mypc. I also have Linux
Suse 7.3 installed on one of the partitions. A great operating system !(and
cheap too which is always a good thing). I bough the new additional Maxtor hard
disk in PC world in Blanchardstown for €130 which is a good price for a 7200
r hard disk. Now all i have left to upgrade is memory, graphics, tv card,
sound card, processor …………………(ps. Dave if you think my news is
shit stop reading it.)..For those of you who wish to have your own news or
weblog as it is called, check out http://www.blogger.com/
. I have one set up already @ http://philroche.blogspot.com/
(which is the free hosting one) and I also have it set up on my redbrick server
@ http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~proche/index/weblog/blogger.html
. I suggest y'all sign up so that I'm not the only sad bastard writing news
everyday. sya.
Wel well well it has been a while
I've been dead busy in work and barely log on at home. so that is why the news
has been somewhat lack lustre. I stare at my monitor for more than 8 hours a
day easily and when I go outside my eyes physically hurt for about a minute (I
think I need glasses). I suppose I'll give a link : http://www.dynicdrive.com/
is a very good source of information on DHTML with plenty of exples. I also
found http://www.spadixbd.com/rafabot/
which lets you download complete websites, handy but you never know how big a
website can be. I tried to download http://www.networkmagazine.com/static/tutorial/index.html
and I was up to 100mb and it was nowhere near finished so i stopped. Also
beware pages with alot of Javascript do not perform well. I'd like to wish
Peter good luck in his cup final on Sunday….sya all [news will be frequent
from now on (hopefully)]
It’s all go go go.
Nothing much to say today only “I'll talk to y'all tomorrow”
Well done Ireland
Well Ireland won.( 'nuff said about sport). Todays Link is classic.http://www.willibova.net/soundboard/homer.swf
listen to Homer all day long. I'm hard at work so you'll be lucky if you see me
out on Friday ,Yeah Right Go'On you good thing Go'On you good thing.
Ah lihhel suh in suh in.
Well Franks ankle seems to be ok which is good 'cos there is no way I'd do two
runs to asto park next week. Congrats to Ronan Daly who is finished his exs
this week some time. I've been slaving over the computer learning all new stuff
and I can honestly say that my brain is growing. On another note I found a
piece of wood in my wrap at dinner, everybody at the table thought that i was
messing untill the end of the meal when they saw it, I didn't complain as there
was no harm done and the meal only cost me Euro 4. We use Microsoft Outlook in
work for all email and timescheduling, It's a wonderful progr but sadly is
very resource happy and takes a good few milliseconds to perform tasks. Quote:
Peggy- "Tell me you love me, Al" Al-"I love football, I love beer, let's not
cheapen the meaning of the word." Al bundy on Love.