Category Archives: Old Blog

Guess who’s back, Granny’s back.

Back in Eire again, after a long weekend off, I come home to find Enda gone off
to MYB again, Stories of witness being brilliant and a mountain load of emails.
Well I hope y'all have been well and had a good one. I had a great weekend, I
went to livepool city, chester city (where i walked along the river–yes people
the se river as so many scenes from hollyoaks have been filmed) and
Stoke-on-Trent for Gill's graduation. The highlight would be the meal I had in
Chester's "Old Orleans" don by the River. A truck load of BBQ Ribs, Wings and
pepper fries. Now that's what I'm talkin' about. Todays link is
. Sya

Pocket PCs rule

I hope to be working on a project developing web pages and appliactions that can
be used on Pocket PC's. Here is a good link to a helpful site regarding Pocket
and also try here
. Many people seem to think that a Pocket PC is the se as a PDA (personal
digital assistant), This is not the case, Pocket PCs run a cut down version of
windows called Pocket PC 2002 operating system , something similar to Windows
CE. It can run cut down versions of word, excell and internet explorer
(commonly known as Pie[pocket internet explorer]). I've been looking around for
a Pocket PC but I never have the balls to get one as i have to save for
australia, but rest assured I will have one soon and I can't bleedin wait.

A few days later Phil posts again.

Sorry for the lack of posts (that is if anybody reads this).
is a wicked website, with plenty of explanations on plenty of subjects. I've
been working hard for the last few days trying to get a Login feature working
on the Website I developing. I went to watch Apres Match in Vicar street
last night, some of it was absolutely brilliant but some was a bit poor, and it
was €25 too. But looking back it was worth it. I have the Oasis and Eminem
albums as Mp3's if anybody wants them. Just to inflate my Ego even more I found
out I was one of only 21 to get a first class honours this year, and there is
between 100-200 in the class (I'm not really sure i only know about 10 of
them). Sya, Sya

Mint Munchies mmmmm

I don't usually eat chocolate but Mint Munchies are super and are now my
favourite chocolate. That reminds me, a few weeks ago I put 50c in the vending
machine here in work and I got my fruit pastilles and then the machine beeps
and on the display comes up “Congratulations you are a winner” and it spat out
my 50c. I never knew that they did that. Well the world cup is over, I think
half the land will be going into withdrawals for the next while. The final was
brilliant and Ronaldo was brilliant. The link for today is
which gives you information on how to unlock mobile phones and the like.


Yup it's that time of the week again. World CUp Final and all that. It really
has been the a year of upsets, with all the big nes crashing out of Wimbledon
too. I bought a ticket from manchester to Dublin today for ˆ25 on way with
Ryanair, I could have got it return for that a few days but the terms they had
(ie. times you could fly out on) did not suit. Still ˆ25 you wouldn't get to
Galway on Bus eireann for that. As I have been looking at Macs a bit lately as
their new OSX is supposed to be superb, the link for today is
. Have a good one y'all.

A productive day whilst being hugely irritating.

My computer must be slowest SOB in the whole muheh fuhhin world, It sounds like
a tractor when it starts up and throughout the day makes a very irritating
crunching noise. Apart from that I have had a good day, I found a few good
sites today the best one is
.Today that site has been my Bible with hugely interesting articles on software
develoent. I also found a site that lets you view Wap pages on the Internet : .
There is also and article which i haven't read yet but from what I have heard
is great,
its about a bloke who set up a Wireless network from his workplace to his home
using an empty tin can, He got 1mbps which is light speed compared to the
shitty dialup we get here. Have a good one Y'all.