Category Archives: Old Blog

286 Miles.

286 Miles from Kilbride to Ballyvaughan(where my Dad lives) and back. I just got dealt a huge blow today when I received the news that my car insurance for next year will cost a whopping ˆ4061 third party fire and theft. I am gutted. I'll be smashed for the entire year , 'cos there is road tax too and NCT and new Tyres. Arrrgghhhh!!!!. Check out A site detailing the extent of the rogering of drivers the insurance companies of Ireland are doing. on a lighter note check out A superb online radio station.

In Clare

phil I'm in Clare at the moment helping my Dad with the conversion of his workshop. It's looking really well at the moment. Not too much news these days, mainly just working all the time , either at work or at home on this weblog page. I'm also playing with my phone alot. getting the synchronization working between microsoft outlook, calendar and contacts and the Phone. I have the file transfer woring fine at the moment; That means i can transfer contact info, pictures and mesasges and also ringtones from my PC. Long Liev Sony Ericsson is all I say. There is not one real quibble I have regarding the phone. It is a joy to use

Simpsons and Desktop background

Simpsons Quote: "Relax. What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind!" phil. This is a good site for Simpsons Quotes despite the mountain of Pop up windows that slap you in the face. I also found this website . They have a product that downloads stunning new desktop backgrounds twice a day. I haven't used it as my PC is slow enough as it is but my mate in work has it and some of the photos are fabulous. You can check them out in the "Gallery" section of their website.

The back is broken

Not my back but the back of the new weblog project. I now have the posting feature complete and all the old posts inserted into the database too. Now all that is left is the edit post function (for my use only I'm afraid) and the archive navigation. The old style news updates are still live but will be taken down soon. My hand is killing me after all the Ctrl +C'ing the old posts. Check out the new Look and feel to Yahoo mail. It's very good.

New Weblog page.

Well as you can see I have made a new weblog or newspage. My weblogs are now stored in a MySql database which'means that I can view the blogs by date or poster etc. This'will be useful when improve the weblog archive page . You can still view all my old news here. As I mentioned before about my new phone ericsson T68i……I'm like a kid with a new toy. I ordered the Data cable today so that I can use my PC together with the phone. Anyway I hope I get a better reception to the new weblog page than got for the new chat page…..grrrrrrr.

New phone rocks

I have a new phone peoples (Ericsson T68i), It absolutely rocks, it's just a few
features short of 3G. check it out here
I actually have an upgraded one which gives all the features bar none of the
T68i which is here
. My favourite feature is fully featured POP email which means i can check my
regular email while on the move. I can also write emails too. There is also
Bluetooth for connectivity but I don't have an adapter for my PC yet, but I did
play Battleships across Bluetooth with Peter (who has the se phone in black
[mine is gold]). The colour screen rocks too. Anyway I'm off to play with my
toy some more. Sya….

Meteor Phone

Who wants a meteor Phone for 50 Euro . The Phone is a Siemens M35 with ˆ60 credit on it. The account is dormant at the moment but all you have to do is put some new credit on it and then you're away. I am open to offers.