Category Archives: Old Blog

Intel Fab Tour

philI went on a Fab tour and the picture to the right is the suit I had to wear on my tour. One of the engineers that we work with showed me around the fab, telling me about how all the process works. Very interesting.

I found which I ; from what i have seen ; think is a great site and I was supprised by it's quality. Maybe I'll start using my Linux now, I find myself using it only 1 in 6 time I log on to my PC which isn't ideal as the plan was to use Linux at least as much as Windows. Ah well.

I thank you….

philHello folks how are things?. To the right you can see Kermit getting it on ooooohhh yeeahhh!!!. A counterfeit Oakley Glasses shop, they look real good, I might get a pair, I'd rather that than paying the whopping $300 a pair for the real one. Another Irish computer Online store like .

My favourite Quote from Austin Powers GoldMember :
"If you have an issue —- here's a tissue."

I went to TGI Fridays on Saturday last and yet again i had the Jack Daniels Glazed Ribs….Finger licking good. A must for all you american food lovers.

911 approaches again????

philHere is a picture I found on which has hundreds of World Trade center and 911 pictures and stories. Quite sad really. I had a meeting with my manager today about a possible fourth year project. One based on Adaptive Education Systems. (AES), especially the adaptive rule engine used to serve hypermedia content to the user. Very interesting stuff. Also Gill is over for the weekend which means I won't be stuck in front of the PC all weekend which is a good thing really as I spend far too much time on the thing…but I do enjoy it. Again y'all Philip Roche is now the proud owner of , a web solutions company soon to be launched(soon; meaning in about 2 years when i get back from australia) that is the name and website for new proposed web solutions company. It is not yet decided what this company will do but at least now I have a name and website(which at the moment is just a brief introduction to the proposed company). The name is my first attempt so I'l think about it for a while before I do anything about it.

Age Discrimination. are launching a campaign to highlight the fact that the insurance companies of ireland are breaking the law by discrimating against people under the grounds of age.
Click Equality Act 2000 (pdf) to view the equality act 2000 which states that people should not be discrimated against because of age. Check out for some interesting information.

Equality Act 2000 in brief.

The Equality Authority replaced the Employment Equality Agency and has a greatly expanded role and functions. The Employment Equality Act, 1998 and the Equal Status Act , 2000 outlaw discrimination in employment, vocational training, advertising, collective agreements, the provision of goods and services and other opportunities to which the public generally have access on nine distinct grounds.

These grounds are:

  • gender
  • marital status
  • family status
  • sexual orientation
  • religion
  • age (does not apply to a person either under 18 or over 65)
  • disability
  • race
  • membership of the Traveller community.

Excerpt above is taken from .

Insurance companies are wankers!!

Yet again I have to go through the rigmarole of trying to get a quote for insurance on the car. and yet again I am being refused left right and center due to age or the fact that i had a theft claim a year and a half ago. I have been in touch with IIF(Irish Insurane Federation ). They are going to see If they can do anything for me regarding the theft claim.

The way it stands now is If I had not insured by motorbike for fire and theft for the year and not made a claim against My motor bike insurance I would be alot better off (not only money wise I would also have my own insurance policy and thus a no claims bonus[for all good that would make])even with the theft claim payout taken away.
Additional cost for fire and theft on Bike Year                          :+€500
Payout on theft claim                                                               :- €2500
Additional cost to car insurance last year due to theft claim    :+€1000
Additional cost to car insurance this year due to theft claim + :+€1500
What a Fucking Skam!!!.
The numbers above are estimated but It is about right. What a Skam.

New wysiwyg blogger now live.

I now have a What you see is what you get (wysiwyg) blogger editor on my site. It's really cool, You can see exactly what your blog will look like. I robbed and adapted the code from the radio Userland blogging tool on . Below you can see the Islands where my cousins live and where I worked in 2000.
