Category Archives: Old Blog


An excerpt from a hey from ste

a rooooter is a piece of networking equipment
a raowter is a tool used in woodworking

ste Blott take note

Time out

It is so damn hard to get back inot the study routine after a couple of days off. I am now battling with Security protocols as the exam is on Friday. My first two exams , Multimedia and OO Design went ok, multimedia better than OO but we'll have to wait and see. We have been assigned our demo dates , so I will be giving my demonstration on Aggrge8 on Friday 30th may to Brian Stone and Rory O'Conner which should be OK.

I am all set for OZ, now I have all my flights booked and paid for and travel insurance paid for, I have finally got my Digital Camera (which is super sweet- Pentax optio S), Booked Accomadation in Sydney for the first week to get settled, Got my shots against Typhoid and the likes ,loads of clothes purchased etc etc. I can't bloody wait…………. Phil Roche starts a new life in less than 3 weeks. wooohoooo.

Lack of posts

Sorry about the lack of posts folks but I am very busy with study for my finals.
I did find though which is great and well worth a look. Wiki websites are on the up. I will however never make a Wiki website as frankly my mates would destroy it.
Wiki website is a website where anybody can edit the page's content.

Jerry Maguire

I took a break form my Docs writing for a few hours today to watch Jerry maguire on TV3, That film is the ultimate in feel-good movies… If you're feeling down , give it a go, I guarantee it will give you a lift.

Aggreg8 version 0.0.1 released

Finally after alot of work Aggrge8 has it first release Version 0.0.1 Documentation is to follow over the next week. Please install Agreg8 and let me know if you have any problems. Use bugzilla too please

Aggreg8 will of course only work on a Mozilla based browser:
Mozilla, version 1.3 is a good option
Firebird, stable nightly build is sweet.