Category Archives: Old Blog


I'm in Cairns now, and the sun is only burning me to a crisp already. We are staying in Dreamtime Travellers Rest which is really nice but we have to walk through a dorm to get to our room which means trying to be very quiet when I am pissed. Also everything can be heard by everybody which means my active bowels are having to behave themselves. Work here is scarce so it looks like it will only be a holiday up here. We plan on doing a 5 day diving course which should be great fun and also a 3 day tour to Fitzroy island. If the bank balance permits we hope to rent a van and drive down to Sydney or Brisbane or maybe just up north to Cape Tribulation and Port Douglas. My results are out on the 26th and also Phil + Gill 3 years so major bender either way on the horizon.

Yup Yup

Still in Bondi, just waiting for our ATM cards to be delivered and then we're off to Cairns, I'll update then.

Brisbane ? Cairns ?

We're off to Brisbane or cairns next week to get away from the cold weather in Sydney adn also to try and beat the whole gettoing stuck in Sydney trap. Sydney is great , don't get me wrong but there is the fabled "getting stuck in Sydney trap" where you just get stuck here and you're not able to save any money….. I got all my Visa and tax stuff and bank account today. I had and E-Visa and had to collect my Visa in the Immigration office, it was dead simple.. justa walk in up to a desk, wait one minute and then walk out with Visa in Passport… sweet.

I have a Mobile phone in OZ now so feel free to text or ring.. but do beware, we are 9 hours ahead.
+61 415 519 064

Peace out cronies……. 🙂

phil Finished College for good… this is me outside the computer building just after finishing my Project Demo which went well if you're wondering. I've been celebrating for the last weekend and I am still suffering….never again (yeah right!!). I built another website for a friend of my mams , It's pretty neat and it payed well… I'm in the middle of packing for OZ now and I am starting to get excited. Have a good one y'all and Talk to you soon.

phil I spent all of today and last night getting Gary's new webiste up and running.

It is be no means finished but the shell is there for hime to work on. There is some really cool graphics. Not many film clips up yet but there is two, one from the “River Rooney” mocumentary and one from “The Kilogram”. Where he got the name from I have no idea but he likes it. I registered and got hosting from the good people at For ˆ150 a year for unlimited disk space you can't go wrong. I would definitely recommend them to anybody looking at hosting a website.

Exams over

Right then, my exams are over, 1 good and 2 OK ones. Had a good night out to celebrate….. 🙂
I've been doing some small bits of work for aggreg8. Not directly related but in the same area as Aggreg8. As you can se on my main page you can see on the right hand side a Blogroll. This is a list of all the weblogs that I read often (not many there yet, but I'll get to that soon). This list is completely updateable on my Control panel. You can also see that below the blogroll are two links. One for OPML and one for Aggreg8, These are links to my Blogroll in those formats. I'm not too sure about the OPML one but it looks right. The Aggreg8 one is perfect and can be imported into any Aggreg8 you have running , This is handy as the released version of Aggreg8 come with no subscriptions added (this is done on purpose). I might, if I ever get time, post the code for the setting up this webbased Blogroll and Aggreg8 script (PHP and MySQL based).

I'm now busy writing an Aggreg8 FAQ and touching up the Aggreg8 website. FAQ should be finished by Thursday night and then I have the project demo on Friday at 4pm. then my friends I am off to OZ…….