Airlie Beach: The weather is great and I am nicely toasted (in the sunburned sense). We spent a couple of days in Mission beach since I last posted. We by chance met up with Dave and Lisa (Dave sans clown pants) which was cool. A bbq and a few bevvies and a few walks in the rainforest. We were on the hunt for Cassowaries on our travels but didn't see any… but Dave the lucky bastard saw one the next day on the exact same road that we had been on the previous day. I did see some big huge Lizard today (which i have photos of that I will post soon) in the campsite. It was well over a metre long including tail… Gill scarpered afraid the thing would swallow her up. After Mission beach we spent a couple of days in Townsville and then a day on Bowen and then here in Airlie beach. We will spend a few days here as it is pretty nice weather. We are going to do a day trip to Whitehaven beach which should be pretty spectacular should we get the weather for it. Anyway till next time ciao!!!!.
Category Archives: Old Blog
Photos Galore
More Photos up…. Cairns, the Dive course and the start of our trip south.
Millaa Millaa
Here I am on the tablelands of Northern Queensland by the waterfall circuit. It's real pretty but it's raining (just my luck as usual). Life in the Campervan has just got alot better since I invested in an extension lead and a lamp, a toaster, a toasted sandwich maker and a fan. Most of which were bought at a flee market in Mossman….. score!!!!
Cairns again.
Here we are back in Cairns again after our trip north. We're here for the night and then we head south towards home (Sydney). Port Douglas and Cape trib was pretty good but the weather was a bit shit. The camper van is great although living in such a confined space is already starting to do my head in. Money isn't going too well as we keep blowing our daily budget but hopefully that will sort itself out soon. I hope to meet up with dave pretty soon providing he doesn't wear his clown pants. 🙂
Camper Van
We got our campervan esterday and is absolutely massive. It is great. Loads of storage space and head room and all for $44 a day… sweet. I'll put photos of it up as soon as possible.
We spent the first night at an idyllic beach called ellis beach north of Cairns. It was expensive there so we have moved today to Port Douglas… staying in the campsite beside Dougies as Dougies was full.(I'm in Dougies now though on 'tinternet). I reckon we'll spend a few days here chillin' on the beach and then head up to Cape Tribulation.
More Photos
I've just put up a ton of new photos.
Open water Diver
I can see what the buzz is with all the diving malarkey. Me and Gill have just come back from our 5 day Dive course and it was absolutely mind blowing. We had the best weathjer I have ever seen with the ocean like glass 30 miles out from the coast. We did 9 dives in total including 1 night dive. We saw all sorts of wonderful fish and coral. The best $585 I have ever spent.
As for my results…… I am well chuffed and thanks for all the congrats emails and texts. Well done to Donal and Spanky (Neil) for their firsts too. I got 92% in my project which is wicked and really helped with the average.
Gill and I are getting our campervan tomorrow for 4 weeks which should be great and I'll be updating as I go along so stay tuned….Sya
ps. Dave where are you?
First class Honours
First class Honours… yeah baby
Fitzroy is pants
It cost a fortune, teh weather was shit, the accomadation was dire, the food was dire ……………….. if it's not goint to be the best weather in the world. Don't bother going to Fitzroy Island. If you haven't got money to burn on sea kayaking and scuba gear .. all there is to do is walk and when it's raining like you've never seen before , that's not too appealing. ……………. Bithching Over.
Tomorrow is when:
- we start our 5 day dive course
- Gill's brither arrives in Cairns
- Me and Gill's 3 year anniversary
- I get my Final year results from DCU
The only bad thing is we can't go on the piss as we have to get up at 6 to start our second theory day of our dive course. I'm trying to throw up some photo's now so bear with me but there should be some new ones up now see
Link for image Resizer
Philip has plan
Finally I have a plan……
- 3 day get-away to Fitzroy Island next monday.
- 5 day diving course starts on Thursday when we get back. 2 of the 5 days are here in Cairns and 3 of them are out at sea. We picked a really good (and expensive [we managed to get 10% off so that eases the wallet pain]) company so hopefully it will be ace. When we have finished we will have Padi Open Water Dive Certificates.
- We then spand 2 more days in Carins.
- Then the whopper………… 4 weeks in a campervan from Cairns to PortDouglas and cape Tribulation and then all the way back down to Sydney. We bvooked with which have some really funky vans. I managed to get 10% off that too which saved a bundle. I really can't wait till we get the van, It'll be Grrreaaatttt.
Then we get back to Sydney and hit the Grindstone and try and build up the bank balance so we can do some more travelling. It's all coming together now. I hope to have some photos up tomorrow as I have befriended one of the Internet cafe blokes who said I could use a non-teid down PC.
Have a good one y'all.