Category Archives: Old Blog


Here is a picture from pontoon bar taken last saturday… a great laugh. phil
PS. I'm not that small, I'm crouching so the others can get in the photo too.


I've started work now and it is really cool, doing loads fo stuff I really like (no more information I'm afraid). The appartment is working out great too. I bought a winter jacket last week as it was getting quite cold but of course just my luck it has started to get warmer.

Settling in.

We arrived safely in Sydney and have moved into our appartment… really nice one (big up to Jean who found it) . We bought a bed in Salvation army and a fridge from a second hand store. Today we got a TV, VCR, Hoover and a body board from a bloke with 2 garages full of stuff. It's all coming together now, with work starting on monday too.

Newcastle and Sydney

I'm in Newcastle now (just north of Sydney). We planned on staying here tonight but there doesn't seem to be any campsites here so we'l head south on the coast. Tomorrow morning is when we head into Sydney… that should be a laugh a we are nearly guaranteed to get lost (Gill's navigator). Looks like I have a job sorted which I start on Monday 4th August which is great. I'll be a LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP ) developer…..sweeeet.

Update: we didn't get lost……

Internet Cafe with Linux

I'm in Byron Bay now….. on a Linux Box… the first one I've ever seen in an internet cafe. Typical when all I want is MSWord. They have Netscape 6 running so I took the liberty of installing Aggreg8 (which as I already knew doesn't work on Netscape or on non-Admin Linux boxes but it's there anyway).

Big up

Big up from Surfers Paradise y'all………. once again a reminder for those of you who don't have my OZ mobile number yet +61 (0)415 519 064 ……… sya

New Photos

phil More Photos up……… only 5 for today. They are from Whitehaven beach. Ignore my glaring white body…………. I am unable to tan my belly….it's a simple as that!!!

Update: loads new photos up now. From Atherton Tablelands to Airlie Beach.

Brisbane baby, Brisbane

Best thing in OZ so far…………. this internet cafe…. it's wicked. people playing games on 19" screens in huge fancy leather chairs and the sound at full volume. And it's only $3.60 a hour for super fast internet. (Whitehaven beach is actaully the best thing I've seen in OZ). We're her in Brisbane for 3-4 days and then full speed to Sydney. I applied to a couple of companies for jobs on so fingers crossed for that.. New images should be up in the next few days.. about 200 in all but I won't put them all up.

We went to Australia zoo yesterday which was absolutely amazing. Steve wasn't there but his best mate Wes was and he did all the Crocodile shows… in one of them he nearly got bitten. Australia zoo has to be on your itinerary if your going through Brisbane.

Hervey Bay

After two of the longest days of driving we are now in Hervey Bay. We stayed one night in Rockhampton and a super steak in the cattle capital itself (Rockhampton that is). Yesterday was a long drive , 4 1/2 hours through some very boring busland scenery. No wildlife apart from loads of roadkill , Kangaroos, wallabys, dingos, possums and other stuff we couldn't recognise. It's raining here now so we are going to go to an indoor shark show (Don't worry Ken I'll get leaflets for you…). We'll be in Brisbane in a couple of days after Noosa so Sydney is getting closer….


I is in Mackay now just north of Rockhampton. Yesterday we went on a day trip to Whitehaven beach from Airlie. It was absolutely amazing. The most perfect beach I have ever seen. No stones, no seaweed…. white sand and perfect turquoise waters. Unbeleivable. We're staying here in Mackay for one night and then down to Rockhampton. We've been moving slowly down the coast and we're half way through our rental period so we have to start getting a move or we'll still be in Queensland come 31st July…..