Category Archives: Old Blog

Sydney Swans

phil Myself, Gill and Dave went to an AFL game last night. Absolutely amazing. There was 72,393 people there, at the Telstra stadium (the one that was built for the Olympics). We got student tickets for $13 on the internet and nobody checked for student anywhere (I'll be doing that again). We were cheering for the Sydney Swans but they lost unfortunately. Work is going great lately and I'm learning loads. I kept forgetting last week, but congrats to my brother Peter who passed his leaving cert. Jean (that lives with us) bought a fish yesterday so we now have a pet in the house, that apartment is looking so good now, that I doubt anybody will want to leave when our lease is up in 5 months. Anyway keep th emails coming. Sya

What am I up to??

PHP File Upload
Firebird Extensions (Note that Aggreg8 appears there 😉 )
CVSNT (CVS for Windows)
Tortoise CVS (Windows CVS client)
ViewCVS (CVS Web Front End)
ViewCVS Windows Installer

I've been up to loads more but for now you'll have to content yourself with those links.


philI have finally gotten around to setting up the Midas editor so that i can use it to post my weblog. It is really neat, just like the IE WYSIWYG editor I was using. It was really simple to set up (all done in my lunch hour). There is an API for it too so you can add more functionality than is there by default. To set it up all, I had to do was copy the html from the Demo page. Then edit some User Prefs. I added an additional Pref, (user_pref(“font.default”, “tahoma”);) so that Times new Roman isn't the defualt font (yuch!!)(How to change default font on the Gecko engine). The Midas editor is built on the Mozilla Editor. I will now never ever have to use IE again woohoooo!! (ok maybe when I require an IE specific plugin but that's it).

Morning person and Gentoo

I woke early one morning, The earth lay cool and still,
When suddenly a tiny bird Perched on my window sill,
He sang a song so lovely So carefree and so gay,
That slowly all my troubles Began to slip away,
He sang of far off places Of laughter and of fun,
It seemed his very trilling Brought up the morning sun,
I stirred beneath the covers Crept slowly out of bed,
Then gently shut the window And crushed his fucking head.
I am not a morning person.

That poem was courtesy of a forward from Colm Dooley. (I am a morning person but the poem is pretty funny so I thought I'd put it up.)
The image above is taken from the website. gentoo is yet another flavour of linux that i am dying to try once I get a chance to go rasher with a computer. For thoe of you who are playing football tonight… beware I am on a mission!!! (to loose some of my "Sydney stone" that is.)


I've been trying to set up CVS on Linux for the last few hours but to no avail…….arghhh. Being the quitter that i am I have set it up on windows (much easier).

Yup Yup

Sup y'all. Back to work again after a pretty good weekend. I bought a bike for $20. The bloke was trying to sell it to the pawn brokers but they wouldn't take it off him as he had no proof of address, I offered him $20 as long as the lock worked (enogh proof to me that he owned ,at least, the lock), he did, so I am now the proud owner of a rather mingin' mountain bike. woohoo. I also hand fed some parrot like birds that have started to frequent our balcony… it's unbelievable how many colours those things have. I have photos and a movie of them I'll put up when I get time. Sya


philphilI'm back using Firebird again after a long stint away……. It still blows me away how great it is. Check out the RSS icon to the right. We're playing ball tonight so finally I get some proper excercise apart from scaling the three flights of stairs to our appartment…………..