Category Archives: Old Blog


Links that you will need if trying the above….

Content Type

All RSS feeds are in XML format but not all of them are of text/xml content type which of course they should be, since they are xml. Aggreg8 does not work for Feeds with content type not set o text/xml, this in my opinion is not a flaw but an oversight on the part of those hosting the RSS feeds. Below you can see how to set the content type of a file using various languages :

<? header("Content-type: text/xml); ?>

<% Response.ContentType = "text/xml" %>

<%@ content_type="text/xml" %>

If everybody did this then Aggreg8 would work for all feeds… it would make me a lot happier and my inbox wouldn't be so full.

MIT Free CourseWare

It seems that MIT have released their courseware online for free. I can see many a lecturer ripping off these notes and passing them off as their own. (I know it happened to me in UNI anyway).
philMyself, Gill, AL and Jean went to Palm Beach yesterday. Palm beach is where Home and Away is filmed… stupidly I forgot my Camera but the others have pictures of us in front of te Summer Bay Surf Club. Myself and Al had our Body Boards with us so that was great fun… running away from the huge waves in fear of our lives. I drove there and back in Jeans car… the first time I ever drove an automatic (it is soooo damn easy), I kept going to change gear.

The Purple Philfeather bird.

phil The Purple Philfeather bird, rare and near extinction!
Courtesy Of Gary Bermingham:

This bird is native to the grasslands of Australias East coast. It is very rare to see this bird during daylight as it does not move in a flock. It feeds off carcasses of small mice and baby rackoons. The purple Philfeather bird is recognised for its high pitched chirp! If you spot this bird, step on it!

New Dream laptop

philI had a dream laptop which was the Toshiba Libretto L5 (My dad has this one) but now it is the Sony Vaio TR1/B with integrated DVD/CD-RW, 802.11b wireless LAN, Bluetooth, and much more. Hopefully when I am travelling through Asia on my way back home I can pick it up a bit cheaper.

For those of you that haven't already.. set up your BBC Fantasy League Team. All the lads here (sydney) have done it so it should be a good laugh. As y'all might know, I don't really know that much about The Premier League so I'm sure I'll get ridiculed when te lads see my team. I'll do a post of all the lads teams so everybody can see who's got who.

I am now the proud owner of the domain name. Why do I need another Domain name?…

  1. It's only US$8.95 a year.
  2. Means that anybody who wants to contact me, all they have to do is remember my name ie. "philroche".

Currently it redirects to this site which means that to get to this site, all you have to do is enter "philroche" in the address bar and press CTRL + ENTER (works on most browsers)… et voila!!


Man I am stoked (OZy term for proud). Check out,3973,1228694,00.asp , a review of 6 RSS aggregators, and Aggreg8 is featured receiving the second best grade of 7/10. It's a pretty good review too. I have had some interest in people helping out with some of the bugs which is great and hopefully someting will come out of it as I have absolutely no time at the moment and if I spent all my off-work time in the internet cafe…Gill would kill me.