Go on you know you want to 🙂 Go on you know you want to 🙂
You have got to check out Vivisimo .. it's really really good… categorised search results.
I have updated my CV/Resume so if you know of anybody with jobs going point them here or to
Well folks, it has been a while, since last I have moved all my stuff over to England, Travelled to Norway where I am now visiting my family. Having a ball over here, eating great norwegian food and doing tons of outdoor stuff as the norwegians do. I've applied for a few Monster jobs so I'll have to see how that goes. I'm off again on tuesday on a 10 hour train to see my grandfather and uncle. I'l be back in the UK on the 10th June but I do have a new mobile +447834368721. It's a brand new Sony Ericsson T630.. a really really nice phone.
I've been home for a while now but I haven't been able to update my weblog. We arrived into manchester last week after one hell of a long flight. I have had a quite eventful week, I have effectively moved to england, I caused a gas leak after hammering a nail through a gas pipe (emergency services called and all that shit) , I've been bitten by the dog we now live with (if he does it again I'll bite him back). I came back to Ireland and went out with Dooley. I started packing all my stuff for england. It's weird being home and it will definitely take a while to adjust. If you know of any jobs going let me know :).
Here I am (free wi-fi) in KLIA airport about to get on a 14 hour 20 minute flight. I just hope to God that they have good movies. We touch down in my new homeland (England) at 5:50am on sunday morning. Then a few days in my new gaff and then home to ireland to collect my gear and car (take note Peter). I have also planned a two week trip to my relatives in norway with my brother Peter at the end of May so that should be fun, the boys on tour and all that….
It is just tooooo damn hot for me and what do you know, on the second last day of my year away I get burnt on my belly. I've been trying all year to do that. I hurts like hell though. We've been in Malaysia for aboiut a week now and it is great. Loads of shopping and loads of fine dining and lounging by the pool and Jet Skiing and failed atempts at wake boarding. Tons of cds and dvds and stuff :). I'l be home on sunday morning some time. I'll have a round up of the year away post then. Sya
Sorry for the sharpish post yesterday but I was pushed for time. I spent most of my hour on the net yesterday trying to get an LDAP server working on OSX so that I could use the same address book for Thunderbird as No luck as it happens, I'll have to look into it a bit more. seems pretty good though with Slapd ldap server. Auckland is pretty good but I'm just looking forward to Malaysia at the moment. We went to the casino last night which was a blast (didn't win anything though). Anyway next post will probably be from Malaysia so Sya….
Now in Auckland having a ball, and on Saturday morning we head off for KL.. I can't wait Sya
Killer Kilo—- One Kilo of meduium rare rump steak, one giant protion of chips, one huge salad and a bucket of peppercorn sauce. That my friends is the Steak challenge in “Tounge and Groove” in Taupo (where I am now). If you can finish the entire meal you get it for 50% of the original price. It took me 50 minutes and a jug of beer but I did and I am still suffering. I went for a pint after but couldn't drink it as there was no room, I had to leave a nearly untouched pint.. I was gutted. It was the fullest I have ever been in my life. All the chips is the worst part of it, soo filling.
Asides from stuffing my face, Taupo is great, we went swimming in thermally heated pools yesterday (up to 41 degrees Celcius) , we wandered around a thermally actuve area with bubbling mud and everything. great stuff.
We are now in the North Island of New Zealand in Wellington (also known as Middle Earth) and having a grand time (Loads of Internet Cafes 😉 ). Tonight we are going to watch "Return of the King" which should be good as I bought the other two on DVD and watched them in the van. We went on the Whale watch in Kaikoura and we got to see a huge Sperm whale which was amazing (I have loads of photos but I was too impatient and missed the crucial one of the tail flipping up in the air as he dove 🙁 ) and we also saw about 80 Dusky dolphins who were absolutrely off their heads every one of them, all doing flips and jumps and dives and twirls… It was like a something(I can't think what t was like but t was great). Anyway I'm off to take some photos of stuff in Wellington so Sya.