Category Archives: Old Blog

CSS Optimisation

I was working with CSS menus last week and once again learned lots about the scurge of  cross platform cross browser support (MAC IE in particular). On my travels, I found which is truly excellent, every css I threw at it, it managed to optimise.

Another which i could not live without is the 'web developer' extension for Firefox. This too is truly excellent and has everything you will need for testing and debuging. I also use the User Agent switcher extension for testing too.

While looking at Extensions I cam across MozEdit…. Wwwwwooow, is the only owrd for it. Brilliant. The best part is the function view. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this extension in the future.

Another one worth mentioning is quicknote… excellent

RSS auto Discovery is something I have to get around to implementing.

Install nightmare

Absolute nightmare trying to install Linux today. I was trying to install Linux alongside XP pro in work. I first tried a copied copy of RHEL but that failed, presumably beacuse of a disk error (it just claimed it couldn't find a file so it decided to just kick me out), then I tried installing SuSE 9.1 about 6 times, but it kept failing, with package errors, most notably qt so i can't startkde or startx. Very annoying. The conclusions I have come to is that it could be either a fault with the DVD drive or the hard drive and partitions. The partitions looked absolutely fine though. I've deleted the Linux and Linux Swap partitions now to leave myself with XP… but what do i get…. a bloody great grub prompt. After some reading tonight, I should be able to fix it witht he XP recovery consle on the XP cd. If this does not work I will go spare……. First day and I didn't even get my OS installed 🙁 . []

Busy Busy

I've been tres busy lately, but I have been able to squeeze in some late night Aggreg8 stuff. Now I have super new Firefox 9 install script and overlays. I am having trouble writing to a file in the users profile directory though but I'll solve that soon no doubt. The new version will be soon (fingers crossed). I have seen that Sage have an OPML inport function so I reckon I'll be looking at that code as that function has been requested.

IRiver Creeping towards ipod

I'm still using my Iriver H100 and still loving it but there were some things that i felt were lacking., see: . It seems my shortcomings have been dealt with. File deletion and on the fly playlists. The firmware is not realeased yet but I can't wait. If any mac users also use Linux and want expose try skippy, really awesome, but beware if you are a KDE user,set the key binding to "Scroll_Lock" or you'll get errors.

DMOZ Listing

phil DMOZListing :). I must apologise profusely to all who have been incontact regarding work on Aggreg8. I have been Uber busy, setting up shop here in the UK. I am now sorted though, finally got myself a job(, and have my office sorted too. I have another project I am working on now though, which should finish in a couple of weeks but after that I am Aggreg8 bound (I've said that before I know but this time I mean it:)). Anyway I hope ya'll are looking forward to Aggreg8 v0.2 ( See screenshot)
As you can probably guess, this is an Aggreg8 posting and I reckon I will start cross posting them all here.


One of the reasons I don't like flash sites is I have no control over how a link behaves…. I open all links in new tabs.. In flash you can't do that. I also saw Maxthon, a project that turns IE into a tabbed heaven. I'll try install through Cross Over office and report my findings. Of course i could just install it on my WinXP box but where's the fun in that.

Sad day..

My Grandads funeral was on Friday last. A very sad day but, it's a part of life eh?. We went fishing on Saturday in my grandads favourite lake and netted 19 fine looking trout. mmmmmmmm!!!!. I might say that it was my grandad giving us good luck but if you've seen Peter Kay's joke about the quavers, you'll know why I can't say that.

Technology changes everything

I travelled over to Norway with my Dad and my brother. We were in Copenhagen for a few hours and those of you that know Copenhagen know that it is a huge airport so it will come as no surprise when I tell you that I lost the other two. How do you think I found them ???.. Email!!. My Dad had his Toshiba L5 with him and I had my trusty iBook. We were both logged on through wifi. A quick mail soon sorted everything out. 🙂


I'm in Oslo ariport at the moment hooked up on a 2 for 1 account (they don't know about it though as me and my dad are logged on with the same details). I've been playing with Fink and just installed the Dillo browser which I also have installed on my Suse box. I have never seen a quicked browser in all my life… truly blistering rendering speeds. I must also post about the Live Cds I have been playing around with. Knoppix is the ultimate Live CD with truly everything installed and running from a cd that you could imagine. Damn small linux is a nother great offering and at only 50MB it rules.