
Now and then after a big purchase, I get uneasy…. I start noticing products that are better or cheaper. This does my head in and has happened with 3 of the 4 last big purchases.phil

  • Pentax Optio S: has dropped from $800 to $579 in 6 months and there  is now an S4 with 4 megapixels. In defence (argument to self), I love my Optio S and I did but it when it was just released and I don't think I would ever need 4 megapixels.
  • Iriver IHP 100 10 Gig MP3 JukeBox: Iriver have released a 20GB and a 40GB model since and since playing with iPods I wonder if an ipod would have been a better decision (iPods also sync easier with the mac). In defence, Iriver has more features, has a very solid build, has radio, has recording built in (both voice and from Optical in), I didn't have the iBook when i bought it, Battery Life is Far superior, plays Ogg files.
  • Iriver IMP 550 Mp3 CD Player: I am completely happy with this. It is the slimmest cd player I have ever seen and it has a radio built in to boot.
  • 12 inch iBook G4: This is a great laptop and i wouldn't be without it but browsing Ebay has revealed 17 inch powerbooks for AU$ 2000, completely specced up. In defence , prices like AU$2000 when it should be AU$5600 indicate that there could be something bogus going on??, As I bought mine direct from Apple , I am guaranteed that if something did go wrong I would be dealt with properly.

After getting it all down on paper(???) I feel a bit better. Does this happen everybody or is it just me?