I searched and searched through the Selenium documentation but could not find a list of the supported browsers and their start commands. So I ran off in a huff and downloaded the source to find the list that way and voila :
- firefoxproxy = FirefoxCustomProfileLauncher
- firefox = FirefoxLauncher
- chrome = FirefoxChromeLauncher
- firefoxchrome = FirefoxChromeLauncher
- firefox2 = Firefox2Launcher
- firefox3 = Firefox3Launcher
- iexploreproxy = InternetExplorerCustomProxyLauncher
- safari = SafariLauncher
- safariproxy = SafariCustomProfileLauncher
- iehta = HTABrowserLauncher
- iexplore = InternetExplorerLauncher
- opera = OperaCustomProfileLauncher
- piiexplore = ProxyInjectionInternetExplorerCustomProxyLauncher
- pifirefox = ProxyInjectionFirefoxCustomProfileLauncher
- // DGF pisafari isn’t working yet
- //pisafari = ProxyInjectionSafariCustomProfileLauncher
- konqueror = KonquerorLauncher
- mock = MockBrowserLauncher
- googlechrome = GoogleChromeLauncher