Since coming back to Karova, I’ve been doing ALOT more management of projects than I did before. Usually what happens is I get the projects once they’ve been spec’d (and prototype’d if appropriate) and then I manage the completion of the project from dev->staging->live and then pass it back to billing.
We always have a good number of projects on the go and my stack is always packed full of project details. The problem I’m having though is being able to step away from the code. I love coding and I know of no other feeling (achievable in an office environment) better than being in the "zone". With so many projects on-going it’s imperative that I delegate rather than try and get stuck in too much even if I know I am most familiar with a piece of software or technology.
It’s a great opportunity for me to step back from code and focus more on managaing and looking at things from a technologist point of view rather than a coder. Under that role I have already been able to play with Linq, ASP.NET 3.5 and SubSonic. Has anybody been in the same situation and have some advice?. For now I just know I need to stay disciplined and step away from the urge to start ‘xslt’ing and coding my ass off.