It seems Redbrick have had a revamp of their homepage, check it out I won't be posting here that much from now on, as I will mostly be concentrating on my Aggreg8 weblog. Also Redbrick have enabled their PHP file upload again (it was disabled for security reasons for a few months). I have written a few PHP scripts that work like a web based FTP client, It's pretty cool so anybody that wants that , I'll give you my code. (I'm quite proud of it as it is), We got our Multimedia Technology Continuous assignment today where we have to implement the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression algorithm
It seems like an OK project and hopefully won't take too long. We also got the our OO Design Project which is write a Z (zed) spec for our fourth year project or to write a Z spec. for the game "Draughts". which also seems ok. happy days really.