Absolute nightmare trying to install Linux today. I was trying to install Linux alongside XP pro in work. I first tried a copied copy of RHEL but that failed, presumably beacuse of a disk error (it just claimed it couldn't find a file so it decided to just kick me out), then I tried installing SuSE 9.1 about 6 times, but it kept failing, with package errors, most notably qt so i can't startkde or startx. Very annoying. The conclusions I have come to is that it could be either a fault with the DVD drive or the hard drive and partitions. The partitions looked absolutely fine though. I've deleted the Linux and Linux Swap partitions now to leave myself with XP… but what do i get…. a bloody great grub prompt. After some reading tonight, I should be able to fix it witht he XP recovery consle on the XP cd. If this does not work I will go spare……. First day and I didn't even get my OS installed 🙁 . [ http://portal.suse.com/sdb/en/2002/09/fhassel_deinstall_grub.html]