Digifone Dodgyfone :

Well I rang Digifone today to see if I got the job but alas once more I was not
successful , nobody in DCU was so I presume that it was a student from another
college and my story is that they could start before us and that is why they
got the job but to be honest I haven't got a clue why . Alot of "Did you get a
job?" questions being asked around the various labs and not surprisingly the
answer is usually "no, did you?" to which "no" would be the reply. So what I'm
trying to say is that I not on my own. There will be alot of bored project
doers this summer . Speaking of projects , my project is going along fine and
right now , at this very minute there is Javascript coming out my ears. My link
for today is http://www.ryanair.com/
, everybody knows of this one already but I still think it worth mentioning .
Good Bye till tomorrow my dedicated followers , and before I forget Happy
Valentines day ………….