Author Archives: philroche

Tighten up FireFox security

how to tighten up FireFox security

"There are now a couple of security spoofs out there for firefox. Unlike IE there is an easy way to catch them that is not often mentioned. Simply type in about:config into the address bar. Then search for and change these settings to TRUE recommended: disable_window_open_feature.location disable_window_open_feature.status disable_window_open_feature.titlebar disable_window.status_change optional: disable_window_move_resize disable_window_open_feature.close disable_window_open_feature.directories disable_window_open_feature.menubar disable_window_open_feature.minimizable disable_window_open_feature.personalbar disable_window_open_feature.resizable disable_window_open_feature.scrollbars disable_window_open_feature.toolbar "


philAs mentioned before but it is worthy of a blog of it's own, we have some great news is that Gill finally got her break and is now a Probation Service Officer. Very proud of her. She starts on January 10th.

Too Much

It's been a while since I've posted properly. We are mega busy in work finishing up with a big project which I'll link to once it's done. It's XHTML transitional and CSS based design. Some very lean and clean XHTML in there but the style sheet now stands at 1250 lines. The reason for this is that there are alot of pages with different designs. I have optimized the css as much as I can but as always I'm sure it can be improved upon.

I've been working on Aggreg8 alot lately and hopefully will have some good news to announce next week. I've also been banging away with the new Philroche site. Should be done by Feb next year.

Some great news is that Gill finally got her break and is now a Probation and Service Officer. Very proud of her. She starts on January 10th.

I apologise for the lack of good posts, as I said I have been busy and the new contextual blogging tool I have adapted is just too easy.  Sya