Author Archives: philroche

New Job, House and Easter

philThe new job is going really well, busy as usual so I haven't had much time to blog, or do anything really. My commute is pretty long (my longest so far – just less than 4 hours).  Doing tons of CSS  and I'll get my first real whack at C# next week. 

The house purchase seems to be going pretty well, and we should have a date for completion by the end of the week. Thanks for all the congratulations on that front. You'll all be invited to the house warming.

The reason for the picture of the "Jonathon Swift" is that I've just booked my tickets for it for the Easter weekend. See Y'all then, and get the beers on ice.

If you're wondering why I'm not on messenger anymore, messenger is banned in at Karova – (my new place of work ["stuff and nonsense" is just a trading name]). You can still email me though.

England v Ireland

philphil Who do I support today?. Ireland is my home country folks so I'm gonna have to support them. Although all things going well, I will be supporting Wales pretty soon (or maybe not considering how crap they are [they are crap aren't they?]).

Update: Alan informs me that Wales are not crap.. woohooo, come on Wales (how much of a sheep am I).

New House & New Job

philMost of you probably already know, but myself and Gillian have decided to buy a house. The house you see to your left is the house we have chosen (offer has been accepted, just waiting on paperwork now so fingers crossed.. I curse the bastard that invented gazumping.. I'm at my wits end). It is situated in Shotton ( Multimap). Hopefully we will be moving in in the middle of April. That's my second anouncement (I didn't want to say earlier in case I jinxed it).

phil My First anouncement is that I have a new job (most of you probably knew this too). I have left Rippleffect and am moving to a company called "Stuff and Nonsense" (a cow seems to be one of their logos- hence the cow picture). They are sitauted in Abergele in the north of Wales. It looks like a super place to work and I'm sure I'll thrive there. Thats all the announcements for now.. not very interesting I know but when you think of how big the steps are that I am taking, you'll understand.

Everybody is welcome to my new house by the way (me kassa sue kassa [misspelt for comic purposes]).


ITS FRIDAY !!!!!! — One week left 'till some big news, and then a week after that hopefully I'll have some more big news..