Airlie Beach: The weather is great and I am nicely toasted (in the sunburned sense). We spent a couple of days in Mission beach since I last posted. We by chance met up with Dave and Lisa (Dave sans clown pants) which was cool. A bbq and a few bevvies and a few walks in the rainforest. We were on the hunt for Cassowaries on our travels but didn't see any… but Dave the lucky bastard saw one the next day on the exact same road that we had been on the previous day. I did see some big huge Lizard today (which i have photos of that I will post soon) in the campsite. It was well over a metre long including tail… Gill scarpered afraid the thing would swallow her up. After Mission beach we spent a couple of days in Townsville and then a day on Bowen and then here in Airlie beach. We will spend a few days here as it is pretty nice weather. We are going to do a day trip to Whitehaven beach which should be pretty spectacular should we get the weather for it. Anyway till next time ciao!!!!.