Yesterday I received all my mp3 stuff…. The Iriver IHP 100 10GB Mp3Player is absolutely wicked. It has wav/mp3 encoder built in so you can encode directly from cd if needs be. The main benefit I see for this is that you can record voice using an external microphone or the built in microphone… very usefull for meetings or lectures. It has an FM tuner too which you can record directly to mp3 :). It is also firmware upgradable which means that any upgrades made for newer releases on the ihp series can also be made on the current models.
The second Item I got yesterday was the Iriver IMP 550. This is the slimmest cd player in the world at 13.7mm. It plays normal cds/MP3/WMA/ASF/OGG (update in December) and has an FM tuner. It comes with an optical out which means you can use it to record to mp3 like the ihp100 or to any minidisc recorder. Both devices come with the sweetest wired remotes.
The third item I received was the Irock! 400 which is an FM transmitter. This is great for in a car or if you don't have any external speakers, you just plug it into the headphone jack and set the frequency and tune your radio to that frequency…really cool.It carries for about 10 metres or so. The were deliverd in about 6 days from Neutron Express in the states. I did however get stung for inport duty (AU$160 ouch!!!). It all came to AU$1000 whcih is about 600 Euro..well worth it. I now travel to work (an hour each way) in my own little world. All I have to do now is acquire a taste in music as right now it is all over the place… a bit of Opera here and hardcore Rap there with some Dance in between…etc.
Yearly Archives: 2003
Open Office Flash
Open Office has a new release 1.1. which is great and I definitely intend using it instead of MS Office. The Presentation Tool (Like Powerpoint) has an SWF export feature which I used to create [It's a series of slides with images from our golfing last saturday]. I got word that my MP3 Player etc. will be shipped tomorrow so I should have them some time next week. Enda Kane is here now arghh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s been a while
Right then Cronies… I think an explanation is needed. Redbrick has been reinstalling and cleaning up their server and that is why was down for the last few days. Everything should be alright now though.
I played my first game of golf and I found I was quite good (If I do say so myself).
I bought an MP3 player (currently in Transit)
I bought it all from NeutronExpress who ship internationally. I can't wait till I get it all. There is a new Iriver IHP120 coming out with 20GB but I can never see myself using that much so i just went ahead and got the IHP100. Both the IHP100 and IMP550 are firmware upgradeable which means when iriver come out with the OGGVorbis update (end of month) I can listen to nearly all Digital music formats. The IHP 120 has some features that the IHP 100 does not have but thatnks to the firmware upgrade feature mentioned… the IHP can have all those new features. Anyway enough ranting. Enda and Tara are arriving here tomorrow morning and Ken and Sinead are arriving on Friday and Jean's Brother James and Anita are arriving next tuesday. I can't see that there aill be many quiet nights over the next few weeks.
Anyway I'll update again tomorrow.. Cya
PHP Progress Bar
Yesterday I found a php class for displaying a progressbar while the server is busy. I edited the class so that it is cross browser and so that you don't need absolute positions to positions it. There is one anomoly with it and all php progress bars, IE [Internet Explorer] does not allow flushing of data if done insie of a table tr….very strange. I have a demo version here. I needed this for an bulk email app that I wrote and it really works well in that context.
Google’s Wicked features
Little Fact for you
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is tahtfristand lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and youcan sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed erveylteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
2 Years ago today…….
September 11 Image Exhibition
Lets hope it never happens again..
Restting Mysql Auto_increment
Things you'll needs to remember or rather things I will forget and need to save somewhere:
To reset the Auto_increment value on a MySql table
Interesting articles
Links that you will need if trying the above….
* Linux installation
* Download - APACHE :
* Download - PHP :
* PHP download
* PHP Installation on Apache - SSL :
* Sablotron PHP Page
* Sablotron Download Page
* Sablotron 0.97 (recommended) - Tutorials :
* Devshed LAMP Tutorial
* Sablot Installation Tutorial
* Apache Install Tutorial