Well I rang Digifone today to see if I got the job but alas once more I was not
successful , nobody in DCU was so I presume that it was a student from another
college and my story is that they could start before us and that is why they
got the job but to be honest I haven't got a clue why . Alot of "Did you get a
job?" questions being asked around the various labs and not surprisingly the
answer is usually "no, did you?" to which "no" would be the reply. So what I'm
trying to say is that I not on my own. There will be alot of bored project
doers this summer . Speaking of projects , my project is going along fine and
right now , at this very minute there is Javascript coming out my ears. My link
for today is http://www.ryanair.com/
, everybody knows of this one already but I still think it worth mentioning .
Good Bye till tomorrow my dedicated followers , and before I forget Happy
Valentines day ………….
Yearly Archives: 2002
A hard day at the button basher, :
I got loads of my project done today and I have an appointment to see my tutor
next week to show him my progress. I brought in blank cds and I burning
loads of progrs now ,125MB so far and I by no means finished . On my
travels around the web today looking for essential progrs I found that http://www.zdnet.com/
is very good but the site with most free downloads (that I found anyway) is http://download.cnet.com/
. Still no job but for some reason it's not on my mind too much , that could
have something to do with the fact that my results are out on monday .
Nailbiting stuff …..
Pancake Tuesday :
Well I've been getting the stretches in all day for the feast of pancakes to be
had MMMmmmmmmmm!.Today I have a Perl tutorial as my main link , this tutorial
was actually co-written by ste , It looks very good http://www2.commworks.ie/other_trg/Perl/index.htmlAlso
for those networking enthusiasts I found this link that I had before http://www.networkmagazine.com/static/tutorial/index.html
it has alot of very useful tutorials . I found out today that Nokia were
Finnish , I didn't know that before . I do know that they are a very IT clued
up country with a very high percentage having internet access ( high speed no
doubt) not like this sorry ass 56kb/s country.
No more Punt :
Well that's it for the punt now except for lodgements and the like , I was even
tempted to check all my old wallets to see if I had any old twenties but I knew
that I wouldn't .My Project is going real well and I making good headway ,
inch by inch row by row that's how you make the garden grow ( I think that is
how the saying goes).I found another great Linux page here http://www.linuxlinks.com/I
also trying to touch on my javascript for from validation and stuff like
that so that is why my second link of the day is http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~ste/voodoo/tutorial.htm
as you can see ste is hosting this tutorial . Many people think that java
and javascript are the se thing , this is not the case , Read this article to
find out more http://www.dannyg.com/javascript/javavsjavascript.html
that's it for this the monday before Valentines day , Remember folks I like
teddy bears on my Valentines cards…..
Not much news, :
I'm getting stuck into my project at the moment so not too much happening ,The
link for today is http://www.maxed-ie.net/
has loads of sweet looking cars .Also check out http://www.jokes.com/
-> very funny .
Good Start to Project :
Yes it was a good start to the project ,
I got the servlets running on Linux and
connecting to Oracle. Todays links are going to be Linux orientated
1st http://www.linuxheadquarters.com/
2nd http://www.linux.org/
3rd http://www.linuxemporium.co.uk/
Note that Linux is pronounced Liiiinux as in "linen".If you don't believe me
see http://www.linux.org/info/index.html
. So that is it for today and lads don't forget valentines day !!! I'll be
expecting cards from you all ( that is if anybody actually reads this news
Digifone …. :
Another one heartily bites into the dust , no the interview went ok and I found
out on Friday or monday whether I was successful or not , It takes ages to get
there though ( Baggot street )I dont fancy that every morning but I'll do it I
have to. Todays link is thanks to Dave Bernie -> http://www.gapwork.com/
stuff on travelling. Tomorrow is when the project really begins , I have to go
in to college and start trying to get servlets to run on Linux Redhat (
shouldn't be too hard ) then I have to do millions of other stuff …Anyway
Till tomorrow I leave you with this to ponder on "The flour in the cake is
driving the bus through the maze of clantily clad ladies".
I found this while cleaning out my inbox. :
"I Will Revise" At first I was afraid, I was petrified!Kept thinking I could never pass with no revision guide,But then I spent so many nights, getting all the questions wrong,And I grew strong,And I learned I could scrape along. I won't look back, to any place,When I can swallow 15 cans and get completely off my face,I would have revised by the clock,I would have had no spare time free,If I'd thought for just one second my exs would bother me. So all my notes, are on the floor,Don't even matter … that there's no rock night anymore …Weren't you the one who tried to get me to revise?You think I'd crumble?You think I'd work towards the skies? Oh no, not I!I won't revise!Unless I die of beer stains, I know I'll stay alive.Though my money's at an end,I've my overdraft to spend.I won't revise,I won't revise. It took all the strength I had not to act the part,But in the end my real revision didn't even start.I used to sit at home at night, feeling guilty to myself,I used to try, but now I hold my head up high. And you see me! Somebody new!I'm not that mixed up wierd bloke who wants a good 2:2So if you feel like dropping in, chances are that I'll be free,Coz I've done sod all revision, and I'm failing my degree. Oh no, not I!I won't revise,I think that I may scrape a third,but I could be telling lies. Let the lecturers all storm,My bed's far too nice and warm,I won't revise,I won't revise, —–
A day on the phone :
Another day with the phone glued to my cheek , I got a few companies that take on students and I've sent them my CV so wait and see. I was up all night trying to customise my error messages but I can't seem to get it to work , I know how to do it but it won't seem to work. The Link for today is http://www.linkpopularity.com/ it checks what search engines have links to your sites , not many for mine… since that site isn't that exciting I also have http://www.scriptsearch.com/ which has many scripts for use on your webpage…Esat interview tomorrow so fingers crossed …..Lilt the totally tropical taste.
SuperBowl ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz….. :
I fell asleep trying to watch the superbowl , and how many add breaks do they want ?. Anyway no luck with Xerox they don't take on temporary staff , i've emailed out 14 cvs today to various employment agencies that I rang this morning . No real headway on my project but its all coming together in my head . I have http://www.google.com/grphp?hl=en as my link today alot of stuff there. My wish for today is to stumble accross a census submission system on the internet somewhere ….no chance.