Sorry folks too damned busy to stop. Busy working on my weblogs essay check it out here.
Sorry folks too damned busy to stop. Busy working on my weblogs essay check it out here.
I keep a weblog at (the one you are reading). I always get abuse from my mates for posting my weblog but they read it. I know they do, as I have seen the access log. But they still ask me, what's a weblog and why do you post one?, who would want to read a weblog that you write? (knowing full well that they themselves read it). So to answer these questions I'm going to write an essay. Another reason for writin the essay, is that I am very interested to find out the origin of weblog and how/why does it flourish despite it's many critics. I supppose the most pressing reason for writing the essay is that it is a project that is due on Friday of this week….
Well it seems that the licensing authority are going easier on the people sitting their tests…No I'm only messing. Peter (my brother) passed his theory test, Gary passed his driving test (I dont' think it was the first attempt) and Jean (Al Keogh's bird passed first time). All this happened in the last week. Well done to you all. I wish I passed first time….if only there was no law against sitting in the middle of junctions i'd have been fine. College is only going rasher these days with deadlines and end of semester getting nearer and nearer. Anyway Sya.
New tyres tomorrw woo hooo. As it has started to get frosty on the roads lately I have decided to get new tyres…The reason for this my friends is that skidding around a bend is not much fun. I've been going hell for leather to try and get my functional spec finished by next tuesday and it seems to be going ok. Check it out here . For those of you that still haven't tried to wonderful Mozilla download it now……
Dave was asking me before how you go about purchasing a domain name so I thought I'd post how to go about this. Firstly the cheapest comapny I have found for registering a domain name is . It costs $8.95 per year for your domain. For this you get your domain name registered in your name. You get free parked page (a basic construction page to show that somebody owns the page) free redirection if you want this domain to point to another address. For 99c extra you also get 5 forward email address, this means that, say you registered, you could get 5 email address like (forwarding means that an email sent to wil be forwarded to another address [one that you specify]).
However i use as registrar for my domain. The price for using these is at the moment $15 a year but I have paid up to $35 in previous years. With namezero you get free redirection, free pop and webmail account (email is not forwarded to another address). You also get unlimited subdomains, this means instead of "www" you can have "chat" In summary if all you want is a domain name godaddy is the one for you , but if you want domain name and email and subdomains, namezero is the one to go for.
It's been so long since I've been playing on Linux but at least now I have a proper web browser here namely the much talked about Mozilla 1.2 which I have just installed. I am also messing about with Apache trying out different things. I was also able to get the network card working, which is one step on the way to setting up a cross platform network,(Linux to XP and so forth).
Well I can safely say that being 23 is no different to being 22. I've been hard at work trying to get all my projects done before the end of term (and before the deadlines of course). At the minute I ma working on my functional spec for Aggreg8, you can see it here. Thanks to ste for helping me out with a Nameserver. Because now actually points to and is not redirected anywhere. A major plus, the same also applies to . I've left as it is as I have so many subdomains set up and if I tried to set all them up on Redbrick, they'd have a fit.
Module | Module Description | Exam Date | Start Time | Room |
CA421 | Software Metrics & Object Oriented Design | 13-JAN-03 | 930 | XG14 |
CA437 | Multimedia Information Retrieval | 15-JAN-03 | 1400 | MH(Helix) |
CA419 | Database 1:Relational Theory & Multidatabase | 22-JAN-03 | 930 | XG01 |
CA416 | Cryptography | 23-JAN-03 | 930 | Main Hall |
CA431 | Digital Signal Processing 1 | 24-JAN-03 | 1400 | L125 |